Tuesday, July 16, 2024

#NewsMatters: The National Assembly Report

“Anglophones need to stop being hostages of the Liberal Party”: Éric Duhaime Quebec Conservative Party leader seeks common ground with English-speakers Raquel Fletcher in Quebec City Éric...

Newsfirst columnist Robert Vairo’s ‘That’s What I’m Thinking’

A National Emergency Demands Leadership I watched with envy as some NBC TV affiliate out of Seattle Washington was telecasting a report on how municipal...

The Second Shot…

Well, how do you feel, now that you have, or at least are scheduled for your second shot? The Québec bureaucratic machine worked seamlessly...

#NewsMatters: The National Assembly Report

After by-election defeat, amendment fiasco, Anglade insists Liberals can turn things around Raquel Fletcher in Quebec City After another tough week, an optimistic Dominique Anglade remains...

Chair of the SWLSB should do the honourable thing: Consider another career

As a former employee of the SWLSB, I would like to add to the sentiments expressed by former Parent and Elected Commissioner, Tom Mouhteros, in...

Quebec’s Bill 96 reeks of Premier François Legault’s flawed populism

Say what you will about the Coalition Avenir Québec government’s Bill 96: If you are among the nearly 6.25 million people in this province...

Canada, late at the vaccines game with no reserved seat, says Newsfirst columnist Robert...

In the midst of discussing the weather, an associate burst out “ we Canadians only care about health and the weather. That’s why we...

Trying to Find a ‘Balance’ is Not Working, Newsfirst opinion columnist says

The role of politicians is not to upset us and make us angry because after all, they have to be re-elected every four years,...

French Québec’s ‘Inferiority Complex’

René Lévesque once told me “it’s a sort of inferiority complex”, in a discussion about the push back of his government over English domination....

Father’s Day 2021:

The blessing and curse of the Pandemic Father’s Day means many things for different men, and can come with associated feelings of love, connection, and...