Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Canada is no longer recognizable

I have written more than once about the muzzling of free speech in Canada, and it seems time changes nothing. In fact, it gets...

Canada, late at the vaccines game with no reserved seat, says Newsfirst columnist Robert...

In the midst of discussing the weather, an associate burst out “ we Canadians only care about health and the weather. That’s why we...

You’re never too old to learn or practice something wise or something new?

But parents-in-the-classroom are not the solution to the current crisis of substitute-teacher shortages So it’s come to this: in the event that schools that re-opened...

French Québec’s ‘Inferiority Complex’

René Lévesque once told me “it’s a sort of inferiority complex”, in a discussion about the push back of his government over English domination....

Sanctions needed on Russian-owned Canadian real estate

There are more severe forms of sanctions that could be imposed on Vladimir Putin and his influential billionaire buddies. The punishment imposed by the US...

Columnist Robert Vairo’s ‘That’s What I’m Thinking’

What’s Next? I wonder, and worry about what comes next. We have been shut down and shut out approaching three months and finally some parts...

A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated, and Tip Toe Through the Tulips with China

It’s obvious to anyone treating Covid infected patients that those taking up hospital beds and ICU departments are the unvaccinated. Meanwhile, the vaccinated, waiting...

Time for a closer look at the plight of substitute teachers in public schools

Into the new school year, in the throes of challenges to survival of English school boards, hidden monsters rear their ugly heads. Québec’s costly Education...

The Worst is Yet to Come

I’m really having mixed feelings about all this. Let’s put the brakes on euphoria, because only some vaccines are arriving. I am feeling just...

That’s enough. Time to Shift Covid to an Endemic Phase

It’s time to lift Covid restrictions. Canadians are clearly fed up. We seem to have done everything asked of us and despite these efforts,...