Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Robert Vairo’s ‘That’s What I’m Thinking’

We Have to Stop Chasing the Soccer Ball Bonjour Hi! Some discomforting events are happening, in addition to our rudderless elected politicians leading us to...

#NewsMatters: The National Assembly Report

Premier calls for patience as pressure grows to reopen economy Raquel Fletcher The journalist was skillful to disguise any hint of desperation in her voice, but...

Trying to Find a ‘Balance’ is Not Working, Newsfirst opinion columnist says

The role of politicians is not to upset us and make us angry because after all, they have to be re-elected every four years,...

#NewsMatters: The National Assembly Report

“Anglophones need to stop being hostages of the Liberal Party”: Éric Duhaime Quebec Conservative Party leader seeks common ground with English-speakers Raquel Fletcher in Quebec City Éric...

Plandemic: A rebuttal

Plandemic, an upcoming documovie has caused a stir among a North American population that has to deal with an avalanche of information concerning COVID-19....

Quebec shouldn’t seek ‘sovereignty by the back door,’ says Julius Grey

Is disturbed neither National Assembly opposition nor Ottawa have questioned Bill 96 In Bill 96: The perils of ‘pensee unique’ published in the Toronto-based Lawyer’s...

Canada is no longer recognizable

I have written more than once about the muzzling of free speech in Canada, and it seems time changes nothing. In fact, it gets...

Canada, late at the vaccines game with no reserved seat, says Newsfirst columnist Robert...

In the midst of discussing the weather, an associate burst out “ we Canadians only care about health and the weather. That’s why we...

You’re never too old to learn or practice something wise or something new?

But parents-in-the-classroom are not the solution to the current crisis of substitute-teacher shortages So it’s come to this: in the event that schools that re-opened...

French Québec’s ‘Inferiority Complex’

René Lévesque once told me “it’s a sort of inferiority complex”, in a discussion about the push back of his government over English domination....