Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Laval City-Watch

The City of Laval’s executive-committee made a number of decisions on various issues during their Nov. 11 meeting, including conservation of the region’s forested...

City unveils plan to combat poverty in some neighbourhoods

The City of Laval has decided to take some innovative action to help combat poverty and economic problems in certain neighbourhoods on its territory. A...

Laval’s snow removal crews are ready for action

With the arrival of the winter season, officials with the City of Laval say they are for whatever Mother Nature will be throwing at...
Laval City Hall

City Watch December 5th, 2018

New Saint Martin primary school and park redevelopment With an ever-increasing number of children now residing in Laval the number of students who will be...

City suspends work on changing name of Saint-François Arena

The Laval city councillor responsible for the naming of places in Laval has announced the suspension of work by a committee that had been...

City lists three priorities in 2022 tri-year capital investments budget

According to Laval’s latest three-year capital investments budget, the city plans to spend $1.38 billion over the next three years on 170 projects and...

Laval sets out to improve its street signage

In order to improve things for Laval’s residents during snow removal operations, the city is taking measures to implement a new dynamic signage system...
News from the Laval executive-committee

News from the Laval executive-committee

(TLN) The members of the City of Laval’s executive-committee made several decisions during public meetings on Dec. 11 and 18, including approval for an archeological excavation in...

Deployment of charging stations for electric vehicles

With the ultimate goal of making Laval greener, the Executive Committee renewed its partnership agreement with Hydro-Québec for five years. This agreement will make it...

Action Laval resurrects its ‘Centre de foire’ idea

After first floating the notion of a large convention centre project in Laval in the municipal elections last November, two elected members of the...