Tuesday, July 16, 2024

#NewsMatters: The National Assembly Report

Clause-by-clause study of language law quickly gets controversial Raquel Fletcher in Quebec City As the adage goes, the devil is in the details and Bill 96,...

Pandemonium reigns! Pandemic? PLANdemic? The hydra rears its ugly head

As 2022 begins its historic journey toward resolving another widespread outbreak of Covid-19, this one christened Omicron, humanity would do well to reflect on...

Inflation in Canada is 15%, not 5.7%

Like many of you, I enjoy my espresso coffee, and it would be very difficult for me to switch to tea, as some of...

The Vaccine Options: Mandatory, pay for treatment, passport?

So many Canadians are saying “that’s enough”. If you’re unvaccinated and have to be hospitalized because of Covid, and you take the bed of...

Stop the Grandiose Promises on Climate Change

Don’t kid yourself. Smiling Joe Biden is no friend of Canada. Other than Trump, he’s the first U.S. President not to visit Canada after...

Allowing government to parent our children is a serious mistake

Tax burdens and living costs prevent most intact parental couples from raising their children at home What would be better – children conceived by random...

The Market dives, Dairy Farmers vs Consumers, Free Vitamin D

A friend of mine who is not familiar with the stock market, much less what the acronyms stand for, like DOW, S&P 500, TSX...

Has masking in schools exceeded its best before date?

Children and teenagers bearing the brunt of health-threatening policies whose risks are outweighing their benefits From a political and legal standpoint, the battle over whether...

Medicare “smiles” at us with… his rotten teeth

It was once the pride of all Canadians! “Our health system is unparallelled,” we boasted when we went abroad. If anything, apart from his...

Canada Needs a New Energy Strategy: Vairo

I’m hearing a lot of whining about high energy costs from so called environmentalists. Gee I wonder why that is? Oil and gas heating...