City takes another step towards new Master Urban Plan

The City of Laval announced last week that it has taken yet another step towards completing work on its Master Urban Plan.

“Our urban planning experts set the bar very high and worked non-stop over the past three years to reach this result,” said alternate mayor Stéphane Boyer, vice-president of the executive-committee and city councillor for Duvernay/Pont-Viau.

Leading the way

“This work will certainly allow us to become positioned among the leaders in Quebec in the use of practical, innovative and sustainable urban planning practices,” he added. This is a project that started in 2018.

The new Master Urban Plan brings together all of the urban planning regulations (including zoning, construction rules, etc.) in a form the city claims will be easier for most property owners to understand. More than 500 illustrations have been added, along with explanations to make zoning issues easier for professionals and private owners to understand for construction or renovation projects.

Comes out May 3

A first version of the new publication, to be called Info-règlements, will be available to the public beginning on May 3. It will allow Laval residents to identify their own property through an interactive map, by address or by lot, in order to find applicable regulations. A longer version is expected to be released on a future date.

On March 3, the city is expected to begin the last phase towards adopting the new plan, with an online consultation. Public meetings will be held on May 18 and 19. Memorandums on the plan will then be accepted from May 3 until June 14, followed by public consultations during the week of June 14.

Analysis and comments

The public consultations will be presided by a committee of elected officials chosen by the mayor, including executive-committee vice-president Stéphane Boyer, executive-committee member and Sainte-Rose councillor Virginie Dufour, and Marigot councillor Daniel Hébert.

Following the public consultations, the city will be proceeding with an analysis of the comments and contributions made by residents in order to possibly add to the plan.

Following recommendations of several committees overseeing the project, city council will decide whether or not to integrate the recommendations into the new plan.

A report on the consultation process will be made public at that time. The new Master Urban Plan will come into effect after being adopted by city council.

Executive-committee allots $150,000 for sports support program

During their April 21 meeting, the members of the City of Laval’s executive-committee decided to approve the implementation of a new program of support for sporting events in Laval under the auspices of the city, Tourisme Laval and Sports Laval.

The executive-committee has approved a disbursement of $150,000 for the Programme de soutien aux événements sportifs (Program to support sporting events).

According to the executive-committee, the program’s purpose will be to provide support for sporting events during the second half of 2021, and possibly other sports events taking place in 2022.

During the same executive-committee meeting, the members decided to allot a $75,000 subsidy to the Conseil régional de l’environnement de Laval. The subsidy is payable over three years ($25,000 annually).

The CREL is seen by the executive-committee as a positive agent for change in environmental matters in Laval.