Thursday, July 25, 2024

Stéphane Boyer designated as Earth Day Canada’s national spokesperson

‘Active and public transportation are the linchpins for the sustainable evolution,’ says Laval’s mayor Adding to the City of Laval’s reputation for endorsing measures that...

City faces more questions over controversial Ave. des Bois tree-cutting

Official opposition says new by-law needed to protect trees from construction projects Laval needs a new by-law to protect its trees from damage during major...

Heavy rainfall warning in effect until early Saturday morning

Environment Canada issued a heavy rainfall warning Friday, saying that rain, at times heavy, can be expected throughout the Laval and Montreal regions until...

STL wins special mention at Jalon Mobility Awards for commissioning electric buses

‘We appreciate being recognized by the industry, said STL president Éric Morasse The Société de transport de Laval (STL) is proud to be the recipient...

Laval among cities hoping Quebec will build new REM route across their territory

Proposed route could open eastern Laval up to massive development The mayors of Laval, Terrebonne, Mascouche, Repentigny and Montreal-East hope to persuade the Quebec transport...

City offering to pick up old, unused refrigerators

With the July 1 moving day rapidly approaching and with sanitation on everyone's mind during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Laval is reminding...

Environment Canada issues ‘Flash Freeze’ warning for Laval, Montreal regions

During the mid-afternoon on Saturday, the Environment Canada weather service issued an advisory that a "flash freeze" warning is in effect, with temperatures dropping...

Transports Québec warns drivers before solar eclipse on Monday

In anticipation of the solar eclipse that will be seen over part of the Montreal region - including a partial view in Laval -...

Société de transport de Laval purchases its first all-electric buses

Transit agency will be buying only electric beginning in 2025 Despite the reputation battery-electric motor vehicles have acquired for reduced efficiency in cold weather, elected...

Laval’s snow removal crews are ready for action

With the arrival of the winter season, officials with the City of Laval say they are for whatever Mother Nature will be throwing at...