Friday, May 3, 2024

That’s enough. Time to Shift Covid to an Endemic Phase

It’s time to lift Covid restrictions. Canadians are clearly fed up. We seem to have done everything asked of us and despite these efforts,...

You’re never too old to learn or practice something wise or something new?

But parents-in-the-classroom are not the solution to the current crisis of substitute-teacher shortages So it’s come to this: in the event that schools that re-opened...

The Market dives, Dairy Farmers vs Consumers, Free Vitamin D

A friend of mine who is not familiar with the stock market, much less what the acronyms stand for, like DOW, S&P 500, TSX...

Pandemonium reigns! Pandemic? PLANdemic? The hydra rears its ugly head

As 2022 begins its historic journey toward resolving another widespread outbreak of Covid-19, this one christened Omicron, humanity would do well to reflect on...

The Vaccine Options: Mandatory, pay for treatment, passport?

So many Canadians are saying “that’s enough”. If you’re unvaccinated and have to be hospitalized because of Covid, and you take the bed of...
‘Illumi’ light show coming to Laval in time for Christmas

A 2021 Christmas like no other in history… or is it?

At this-time-of-year, bombarded with ‘happy’ and “merry” from every direction, an inward/outward look into what and where we are at end of 2021 is...

Praise for Government, Crazy Grocery Prices, Christmas

It never ceases to amaze me how governments consistently bungle projects that they were elected and well paid to manage professionally and effectively. And...

Did Climate Change Cause Noah’s Ark?

I don’t want to get into a climate change debate, but one thing is for sure. Climate change is happening and it can not...

Stop the Grandiose Promises on Climate Change

Don’t kid yourself. Smiling Joe Biden is no friend of Canada. Other than Trump, he’s the first U.S. President not to visit Canada after...

Seniors want to stay home, but can’t

Growing old isn’t fun. How often have you heard that? In Quebec, add insult to injury, literally, because we call it ‘l’age d’or’. The...