Laval city councillor for Saint-Bruno David De Cotis worked in conjunction with Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board commissioner Barbara Barrasso, along with UPS Quebec operations supervisor Enrica Uva, to organize and coordinate a major spring cleanup in Lausanne Park which took place on Saturday May 4.

Again next year
Although this was only the second time for such an undertaking at the park, De Cotis said it was far from the last, and will continue for years to come.
In all, 30 – 40 students along with parents from Terry Fox Elementary School took part. They were joined by nearly three dozen employees of UPS.
“I was very surprised to see the determination and good will on the part of these students to take part,” said De Cotis.
“They efforts today made all the difference and are a sign of a promising new generation to come, of this am sure. Congratulations to these young people for taking part in this event,” he added.

UPS’s contribution
The UPS workers who took part were from the Laval region.
“UPS is committed to seeing resources are in place for a green community,” said Uva. “Until now, we have contributed to the planting of 28 million trees. Our goal is to plant 50 million by 2030. UPS employees are happy to work together to clean up Lausanne Park.”
“Our students showed that they are capable of doing things right,” said Barrasso. “I am proud to see what they were able to do, and I feel certain that their parents are just as proud of them. One youth at a time, one activity at a time, we are building the society of tomorrow.”