Pimping, sex assault fugitive from Laval arrested in Mexico

Blake Charbonneau of Laval was arrested last week in Mexico after being on a Canada-wide most-wanted fugitive list since 2020. (Photo: Courtesy of BOLO program)

A 35-year-old man from Laval who was considered one of Canada’s most wanted criminals has been arrested in Mexico to face charges of pimping and sexual offences.

Blake Charbonneau had been on a Canada-wide “be on the lookout” (BOLO) list of most wanted fugitives since 2020 and a $50,000 reward was offered to anyone providing information leading to his location.

Charbonneau was arrested by Mexican authorities late last week and was flown to Toronto, where he was transferred into the custody of the the Sûreté du Québec.

He will be appearing in Quebec court to face charges that include sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon and pimping.

The BOLO program which facilitated the arrest of Charbonneau is a private initiative overseen by a foundation which was started by Stéphan Crétier, the founder, chairman and CEO of Montreal-based GardaWorld Security, one of the five largest security service providers in the world.

Since the BOLO program’s launch in 2018, the following Canadian police forces and Crime Stoppers programs have cooperated: