‘Open house’ at Laval’s firehalls

Fire engines come to life for kids familiar with them as toys

‘Open house’ at Laval’s firehalls.
A firefighter’s gear lies ready for action on the floor of No. 2 firehall in Chomedey during the City of Laval’s annual open house at the firehalls.
Martin C. Barry

According to conventional wisdom, most kids aspire – at least for a while – to be firefighters one day. For most young children, whether they’re girls or boys, there are few things more exciting than fire engines and firehalls.

Fireman for a day

Once a year when the Laval Fire Department holds its ‘open house,’ the nine firehalls in Laval’s districts are open to the public for a day. That’s when every kid living in Laval gets a chance to make believe they’re a fireman or firewoman.

During this year’s event held on on Saturday Oct. 13 in conjunction with fire prevention week, kids of all ages had the opportunity to get up close to the shiny, bright red ladder and pump trucks parked in firehall garages all over the island.

‘Open house’ at Laval’s firehalls.
Seen here with two members of the Laval Fire Department, the Ghantous family had a great time at the Chomedey No. 2 firehall on Sunday Oct. 13.

The real thing

For kids probably more used to playing with scale-models, actually being able to climb behind the wheel of  a huge shiny red rig and being able to touch the intricate controls was something they will probably remember for a long time.

From morning to late afternoon, the kids got a chance to learn all about the work of firefighters, to watch and take part in equipment demonstrations, to receive fire prevention advice, and even to climb into a truck and feel what it’s like to do the work of a fireman.

‘Open house’ at Laval’s firehalls.
For young and old alike, Laval’s annual open house at the firehalls was an opportunity to learn all about fire safety.

Fun for families

Among the many people who dropped by the Chomedey No. 2 firehall on Souvenir Blvd. were Ziaav Ghantous and his two children: Peter and Alexandra.

“We’re here to support our fire department knowing that they’re always here to serve us,” said Ghantous. “It’s also important to show our kids the importance of the firefighters being there.”

‘Open house’ at Laval’s firehalls.
As those attending the open house learned, water rescue is also part of the Laval Fire Department’s responsibilities.