City Watch

Integrated Urban Revitalization Initiatives in Laval
The Executive Committee approved the agreement between the City of Laval and Quebec’s Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy (MAMOT) under the Greater Montreal Metropolitan Initiative and Outreach Fund (FIRM). The agreement concerns the urban development of regions and consolidates the support offered to the integrated urban revitalization (RUI) initiatives proposed for Laval which will be executed from April 1st 2018 to March 31st 2021. On August 10th 2018 the City of Laval received confirmation from MAMOT that it has successfully obtained a grant of $ 742,500 to cover a three-year period from April 1st 2018 to March 31st 2021. This grant added to the financial contribution allotted in the city budgets will expedite the revitalization projects already in progress in Chomedey, Pont-Viau and Place Saint-Martin/Domaine-Renaud.
Relocation of the Armand-Frappier Biosciences Interpretation Center
The members of the executive committee approved the modification of the contribution agreement it had signed with the Department of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism as part of the relocation project for the Armand-Frappier Bioscience Interpretation Center. Almost a year ago, on October 27th 2017, the Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Honorable Mélanie Joly, announced that she was giving the City of Laval, as part of the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund, a contribution of $ 2.7 million for the relocation project of the Armand-Frappier Bioscience Interpretation Center. However Quebec municipalities are required to obtain authorization from the Québec government to enter into a financial contribution agreement with a federal government department. Laval has obtained a decree from MAMOT for this purpose.
Acquisition of lots for conservation purposes at Bois d’Auteuil
The executive committee authorized the acquisition of a 602.5 square meter lot for $ 19,500. This lot, which is surrounded by land owned by the City of Laval, is located west of Val-des-Bois Street and south of Boismou Street in the perimeter of the Bois d’Auteuil woodlands. The executive committee also approved, for conservation purposes, the acquisition of another lot of land for the purchase price of $4,000.This lot of 283.4 square meters is located west of Debussy Street in the district of Auteuil. These acquisitions represent important elements identified in the 2017-2019 Action Plan for the Strategic Acquisition of Natural Environment which targets several lots of high ecological value.
Review of the speed limit on François-Baillairgé Street
Following the installation of a new water park play module in Renaissance Park, the City re-evaluated the speed limit on François-Baillairgé Street. In accordance with the criteria defined in 2011 during the development of the new speed limit of roadways in Laval’s master plan, the executive committee agreed to lower the speed limit to 30 kilometers per hour on François-Baillairgé Street. They also authorized the pruning a tree to improve the visibility of the new speed limit signs.
Transport of snow and ice with operator
The Executive Committee agreed to recommend that City Council awards Contract SP-29541 to the 28 bidders which complied with the provisions in the contract of services required for Snow and Ice Transport Service including both the trucks, equipment and the human resources needed to operate them. Since the service needs depend on the amount of winter precipitation received the financial payments will be determined by the amount of snow and ice collected. Therefore payment to the suppliers will be made as the services are provided and billed by the operators according to the rates of the Transportation Ministry of Québec. The contract is valid for the three winter seasons 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 and will expire after the third year unless terminated prematurely in accordance with the other provisions included in the service agreements.
In addition, the awarding of the SP-29541 contract did not deliver the total number of trucks required for the complete snow removal needs of the City therefore the administration issued a new call for tenders, SP-29582, in order to add more vehicles to its snow removal and transportation fleet.
Inventory Management Policy
The executive committee approved the awarding of a contract of $ 87,210.84 (taxes included) to the enterprise 9153-4693 Québec Inc. for professional services which will target the development of a municipal inventory management policy. The City of Laval wants to adopt such a policy to follow to ensure efficient and economical management of its supplies and equipment. Improved inventory management is achieved by strengthening the reliability of information gathered and managed regarding actual stock quantities. Remember that the implementation of this policy is also part of the recommendations of the Auditor General of Laval, in her latest report.
Acquisition in the Bois d’Auteuil
The Executive Committee has agreed to acquire lots 1 175 861 and 1 175 864 from the cadaster of Québec for the sum of $ 27,500. The combined lots have a total area of 2 289.6 square meters and were purchased for the purpose of conservation of woodlands in the Boise d’ Auteuil. The woodlands are located southeast of the junction of the streets of Bungalows and Bida in Laval’s Auteuil district. They are located within the Bois d’Auteuil special ecological development zone (ZAEP) and are part of the implementation of the 2017-2019 Action Plan for the Natural Environment Acquisition Strategy.
Autumn Leaf collection
The City of Laval recovers the dead leaves for distribution to farmers in the region, who compost them and make fertilizer. There are two ways to participate in this recovery. Leaves can be gathered in paper bags and left for curb side pickup or can be transported to one of several municipal voluntary deposit sites. If you already have organic waste collection, you can also put your leaves in your brown bin so they can be composted.
The collection of dead leaves at residences will take place from October 15th to November 16th 2018. Dead leaf collection now takes place on the same day as the collection of organic matter, or the second working day after normal garbage collection if you do not have the brown bin yet.
On the day of collection place the leaves in paper bags or in your brown bin by the side of the road before 7:00 am. Do not include branches or other organic wastes. Note that maple leaves with tarry spot disease are now accepted in the municipal collection. Pumpkins and straw bales are also accepted, both for home collection and voluntary drop-off locations.
Also it is important to note that it is strictly forbidden to push dead leaves in the street, under penalty of a fine (bylaw L-12084).