Laval City Hall Watch – March 2017

Laval City Hall Watch - March 5 2017

River monitoring suggests present ice condition unsafe

The civil security service of the city of Laval has begun its annual spring thaw vigil. Careful monitoring of the weather forecast and conditions of Laval’s watersheds suggest that the weather extremes observed during Februarys’ cycle of freezing and thaw has created unstable river ice conditions. The service issued this warning last week. They warn that the thaw and precipitation of the past month caused an increase in the level of the water that has led to the erratic movement of the ice floats. Therefore as ice conditions are variable and unstable it is important to not venture on the ice for any activity.

Hydrometric stations installed along the Mille-îles and des Prairie Rivers provide constant data on ice flows and water levels. This allows the service to provide timely alerts and the ability to quickly mobilize citizens and stakeholders in critical situations. These systems are installed close to the habitable areas of Laval to more effectively monitor potential inundating conditions in order to minimize the consequences of possible flooding on the riverside residential population of Laval.

To access the latest bulletins issued by the civil security service concerning river ice conditions residents are referred to the city website.

Municipal Tax Payment Deadlines

Residents and property owners of  ​Laval should have received their 2017 municipal tax bills this past February 20th.  The administration reminds property owners that a first payment must be received no later than March 22nd 2017 and the second installment no later than June 20th 2017. Failure to comply with either of these deadlines will result in the charging of interest and a penalty on your 2017 tax account. The annual interest rate billed the municipal accounts in arrears is 8.5% and the late payment penalty is 5% of the total tax owing.

Methods of payment acceptable include the issuance of checks by mail, payments at a financial institution, payments at the Ville de Laval tax counters or an envelope drop at the mail slot located at 1333, boulevard Chomedey building.

Spring break activities for Laval families

During the student spring break from school Laval’s recreation, sport and culture department has announced an inventory of diverse happenings that are available to parents seeking activities to occupy their children no matter what weather conditions prevail. The Laval school break is ongoing from March 6th to the 10th March 2017.

Local community centers like Centre du Sablon have organized spring break camps abounding with fun stuff to do. In the libraries in addition to the traditional services of loans of books, DVD, CD, magazines and video games, the nine Laval libraries will also provide additional animated events during the school break. A comprehensive list can be viewed on Laval’s library website while a similar visit to the website of the Maison des Arts internet site will allow the perusal of a diverse cultural programming available to parents seeking quality distractions for their children

In Laval’s ice arenas blocks of time for free skating and hockey periods are reserved for children, adolescents or adults. Many of Laval’s pools offer extended hours for free swimming. At Centre de la Nature outdoor activities are offered including skating, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing and tobogganing. In addition special programming was organized for the spring break period at most of Laval’s regional parks.

Laval organizes a contest to beautify its landscapeMON QUARTIER FLEURI

For those seeking a distraction from the cold wintery blues Laval’s administration recently announced a spring beautification contest. Residents are invited to sign up and participate in a promotional activity designed to embellish and develop flowery landscapes and green spaces at sites targeted by the city.

According to city councilor Ray Khalil of St. Dorothee and the Chair of the Advisory Committee on Agriculture (CCA) this contest will inspire residents to beautify their environment as well as reminding visitors that Laval is a horticultural capital of Quebec. This contest also serves to promote local agricultural producers.

While the contest is open to all Laval residents for the development of the thirteen predetermined sites located in the different (ex-town) districts of the city there are eligibility requirements and a fixed number of participants that will be selected as thirteen teams of eight will be formed.

Anyone 16 years and over at the time of registration can apply. Enrollment began on March 3rd 2017 and is ongoing till March 24th 2017. Participants may register individually or in teams of up to eight citizens. All citizens on the same team must have the same neighborhood of residence. A “team leader” should have relevant experience in ornamental horticulture and / or landscaping. “Team leaders” will be selected at random from amongst all candidates having demonstrated relevant experience. If there are more applicants to positions available the participants will be chosen randomly.


Executive Committee – City Council notes

A recommendation was tabled to the municipal council for the payment of the 2017 annual membership fee of the Human Capital department of The Union of Quebec Municipalities. This department champions the causes of employees in the public workplace.

The Department of Legal Affairs tabled a motion to adopt by-law L-12363 which provided  a grant to eligible families for the purchase of reusable diapers whose objective is to reduce the amount of solid waste that fill local landfills. This proposal preplaces by-law L-11931 and amends the existing regulation by adding the comments that this applies to families with two-year-old children and younger.

The office of the registrar has recommend to city council to table a motion for by-law L-12125 which describes the construction project of a St. Dorothée community center and the issue a loan of  $ 7,355,000 for this purpose. The by-law once tabled will be discussed and will be presented at a subsequent meeting for council adoption.

A motion was also tabled for By-law L-12169-M describing the installation of municipal services in the project to extend Boulevard Saint-Martin west and decrees the need of a loan in the sum of $ 1,309,000 for this purpose and that the by-law be adopted at a subsequent meeting once discussed and approved in council.

The registrar’s office also deposited to city council the applications for reimbursement of research and support expenses of Michel Trottier city councillor incurred for the month of December 2016 as well as the research and support expenses of the Laval Movement – Team Marc Demers – December 2016 requests (no5), (no6) and (no7).

The Procurement and Contract Management Department

Laval’s purchasing and service contract service has asked city council to approve the bid by public call for tenders – SP 29009  to purchase a replacement generator at 2000, boul. Saint-Elzéar West. Also they have asked for the approval of a contract SP-29004 for the acquisition of a branded vehicle, the Dodge Promaster as well as vehicles for the Commission scolaire de Laval (IPIQ).

They have asked council to approve the renewing of contract – SP-28135 for the maintenance of Laval’s soccer and football playing fields. Also contract SP-28820 was tabled which would allow the service to rent on demand an amphibious excavator with licensed operators for the de-icing of the des Mille Îles and des Prairies Rivers this spring.

A request to table a public call for tenders SP 29043 for repair work (on demand) of chain link city fences as well as a request OS-INV-2919 for professional service for the drafting of studies on the consequences of the relaxation of chlorine levels at the drinking water stations were tabled for city council approval.