Isabelle Piché spends a weekend grooving at Mosaïque 2023

Saint-François city councillor was impressed by arts festival held in her district

Action Laval city councillor for Saint-François Isabelle Piché participated enthusiastically in the recent Festival Mosaïque, which took place in her district.

For the second time year, the Centrale des artistes chose Saint-François as the setting for their event which revolves around a theme of cultural diversity.

Reason to celebrate

“We have a great community where many cultures live side by side while going at the same pace and sharing many of the same customs,” Piché said. “Saint-François is a fantastic place to hold this kind of event.”

From Aug. 18 – 20 on rue de L’Église, there was a range of activities for everyone to enjoy. There was a distinctly African component this year with Dominique Fils-Aimé and Élage Diouf representing the many cultures of the continent.

Drawing people together

“The residents were pleased to welcome the artists in their neighbourhood,” said Piché. “This helps to enhance life in the neighbhourhood, to build community and to get closer to neighbours. Let’s hope we see them all again soon.”

Singer/songwriter Marco Calliari opened the festival to the sound of Italian folk music. Elsewhere, giant Alebrijes marionnettes, inspired by mexican pop art, enthralled the young as well as older people.

It all came to a climax with the theatrical piece “Moi et l’autre” by Théâtre fêlé, followed by a free méchoui dinner on Aug. 20.