Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips for children

Halloween night and the weeks of preparation leading up to it, can be very exciting for children of all ages. It’s a special celebration shared with their family, friends and community that gives them the rare chance to walk around their neighborhood at night. The trick to making Halloween a real treat is by following these “sweet” safety tips:

Before Halloween:

  • Choose bright costumes and have your children carry flashlights or glow sticks so they are easily visible.
  • Plan a trick-or-treating route in familiar neighborhoods with well-lit streets.  Make sure to identify all the safe places where your children can seek help in case of an emergency.
  • Make sure your children know your cellphone number and address in case you get separated. For older children, consider giving them a cellphone so they can reach you easily.
  • Remind them, not to text while walking or crossing the street!
  • Teach your children to say NO!, in a loud voice, if someone tries to grab them or leave with them.

On Halloween Night:

  • Make sure older children take friends and stay together while trick-or-treating.
  • Remind your children to visit only those homes that are well lit and decorated and always wait on the porch.
  • Remind your children not to approach any vehicle or accept a ride unless they have your permission to do so.
  • All good things must come to an end! Make sure that older children respect the agreed upon time to return home.
  • Carefully inspect all the treats and immediately discard any that are unwrapped.

(SOURCE: Missing Children’s Network)