(TLN) A new housing code that was adopted by Laval city council last September came into effect on March 1. The new regulations set out ways for tenants as well as landlords to safeguard themselves against nuisances and unsanitary conditions.
Intervention required
They also allow the city to intervene and ask for repairs or renovations when a dwelling that isn’t necessarily unsanitary needs basic repairs all the same.
One important aspect of the new code requires property owners and pest exterminators to reveal infestations of bed bugs. Tenants are also required to advise owners immediately of any bed bug infestations.
Sanitary housing assured
“The city’s new housing code offers to all tenants and all landlords a tool to assure sanitary and secure habitats,” says Mayor Marc Demers.
“In addition to legitimizing the interventions of the city in cases of insalubrity, the code allows us to demand repairs or renovations so that dwellings which are lived in are sanitary and secure.”
Preventive actions
Among other things, the new housing code forbids property owners or tenants from doing anything that may lead to unsanitary conditions, such as allowing mould to propagate, neglecting the presence of insects or ignoring other types of parasite.
The code also obliges landlords to do basic renovations or repairs on fundamental fixtures in a dwelling, such as the kitchen sink, the toilet, shower or bath, while requiring them to repair the roof, doors or windows.