The City of Laval has decided to hand out more than 5,000 kits containing toys, games and other fun things to children and adolescents in Laval whose lives were impacted for more than two months by the COVID-19 pandemic. The city is using $160,000 from its Fonds Place-du-Souvenir fund to pay for the kits.
The 5,000 kits are being handed out to children from 6 to 12 years of age. They contain a ball, a jump rope, a magnifying glass, sidewalk chalk, a coloring book, wax crayons and other items. The city is handing out the kits in conjunction with 4-H Clubs of Quebec and Groupe Promo-Santé Laval.
According to the city, the kits will be distributed through local community organizations sometime this month. Additional kits will be handed out to teens at the Centre jeunesse de Laval. These will contain gear for babyfoot and table tennis, e-readers, construction kits, MP3 players and headphones.
“In these difficult times without precedent, we are especially thinking of the well-being of families, children and the teenagers in Laval,” said Mayor Marc Demers. “Every day we are increasing our efforts, in conjunction with our partners, to overcome the difficulties created by the pandemic.
“It is our hope that these kits and these items will make life a little easier for these young people, while also allowing parents to take have a little bit of time to rest,” the mayor added.