The City of Laval announced last week that it is awarding more than $394,000 in subsidies to several community sports and leisure activities organizations in order to encourage physical fitness and artistic ventures among the region’s young people.

The organizations receiving the funds – Sports Laval, the Club cycliste Espoirs Laval, the Club de Football Bulldogs de Laval and the Théâtre Fêlé – will be sharing the sums which are coming out of the city-administered Fonds Place-du-Souvenir.
According to the city, the subsidies will be helping children and teenagers from disadvantaged households by allowing them to develop sports skills, to take up bicycling, and to play football, while attending school and taking part at the same time in creative activities.
In all, $88,260 over two years is being given to Sports Laval for its Ini-Sports project, which offers children ages 7 to 12 from disadvantaged households the possibility of discovering new sports disciplines while developing themselves physically. Lasting nine weeks in three weekly cycles, the project aims to incite youths to pursue sports.
As well, the Club cycliste Espoirs Laval will be receiving $53,435 over a one-year period to support its project, known as Ça roule Laval, to assist young residents also from disadvantaged households to take up cycling. According to the city, 500 youngsters ages 4 to 12 will receive equipment kits containing materials to be creative.
Meanwhile, the Club de Football Bulldogs de Laval will be receiving $88,000 over a two-year period for its project, Plan PSO2025 Football Bantam-Midget. The goal of the project is to encourage access to football for 100 youths ages 13 to 17 who are in vulnerable situations in the districts of Chomedey, Pont-Viau and Saint-François, with a leadership program designed to help with homework.
Finally, the amount of $165,000 over a three-year period was awarded to Théâtre Fêlé to allow for the support of their Q.G. Chomedey project, which seeks to offer help for juvenile delinquincy in the district through artistic creation for youths ages 12 to 17.
The Fonds Place-du-Souvenir was created on June 19, 2017 to:
- Directly reach children and youths ages 0 to 17 who are from disadvantaged neighbourhoods and households in order to improve their lives;
- Improve the quality of life of young Laval residents;
- Be a lever for intervention in social development terms for youths across Laval;
- Be a coherent part of the City of Laval long-range development policy, Laval 2035 : urbaine by nature, as well as the regional social-development plan (PRDS) for Laval.
STL receives coveted award for management excellence
The Société de transport de Laval was recently awarded the Canada Prize for Excellence-Platinum, for its excellence in overall management.
The distinction, regarded as one of the highest in the public transit sector, recognized the STL for the quality of its management and its overall performance.
STL general manager Guy Picard, along with STL president Éric Morasse accepted the award on Nov. 4.

“It is is a genuine pleasure for us to realize that our determined will to evolve and improve continuously has been recognized and that we are receiving today this prestigious prize,” said Morasse.
“Rigorous management and performance are exercised in all our organizational and we are proud to be able to harvest the fruit of all these efforts today.” “We believe in ourselves,” added Picard. “Being at the controls of an organization as innovative and motivated towards excellence is for me a great source of pride. The STL would not be what it is without the support of its 1,100 or so employees and its 9 directors on the administrative board, who have a common passion to see big while working for the common good.”