Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Bell donates $200,000 to upgrade psychiatric facilities at Cité de la Santé

During a symbolic Bell "Let's Talk Day" flag raising ceremony in front of Laval City Hall on Jan. 25, Bell announced a $200,000 donation to the Cité...

COVID-19 help lines discussed during Agape-NPI online meeting

Accessing health and social services during the pandemic becomes an issue Some 25 members of the Laval English-speaking community, including many Agape-NPI partners, attended a...

City unveils plan to combat poverty in some neighbourhoods

The City of Laval has decided to take some innovative action to help combat poverty and economic problems in certain neighbourhoods on its territory. A...

Help for sexual assault just a phone call away, though the problem isn’t disappearing

Montreal Sexual Assault Centre launches a re-branded Sexual Violence Helpline A province-wide 24-hour phone referral service for victims of sexual violence was given a new...

Quebec National Assembly officials open new CHSLD Val-des-Brises

Long-term care facility will take in up to 232 residents by autumn Several elected members of the Quebec National Assembly from the Laval region managed...

Centre De Pédiatrie Sociale Laval asks community to lend a helping hand

Pediatrics centre sets ambitious $50,000 goal for Laval’s most vulnerable children In time for the upcoming holiday season, the Centre De Pédiatrie Sociale Laval is...

Agape-NPI releases new data on Laval’s English-speaking population

Latest count of English is 90,975, out of more than 437,000 population More than 30 persons sharing a common interest in the health and well-being...

Influx of Ukrainian and Kurdish refugees turned to Agape in the past year for...

Ninety-five new files for people in need were opened at the English-speaking social services provider Chomedey-based English-language social services provider Agape had a surge of...

Laval donates more than $407,000 to Centraide

A great mobilization in support of the community The City of Laval’s 25th annual employee and retiree campaign raised $407,090.48 for Centraideof Greater Montreal. This amount,...

Volunteers and supporters celebrate FILIA Day after a two-year hiatus

Guests included St-Laurent MP Emmanuella Lambropoulos and Sen. Leo Housakos For the first time in two years, volunteers and supporters of the Park Extension Association...