Emmanuel Gendron-Tardif, who is facing a second-degree murder charge related to the slaying in January of his mother, Lysane Tardif, a former City of Laval department head, was in court on Tuesday, questioning psychiatric treatments at the Pinel Insitute where he is detained after being deemed unfit to immediately stand trial.
Gendron-Tardif was declared unfit on Feb. 28.
However, the judge presiding his case at the Palais de Justice in Montreal ordered he be given treatment in the eventuality he might improve to the point of being able to assist a defence lawyer.
Quebec Court judge Suzanne Costom set a date for this Thursday to hear a response from a Pinel Institute staff member to questions Gendron-Tardif raised about the treatment he would be undergoing leading towards a trial.
Gendron, who was deputy director of the city of Laval’s culture, leisure and sports department, was found lifeless inside her son’s apartment on Fullum St. in Montreal on Jan. 25.
Emmanuel Gendron-Tardif, 28, achieved a degree of acclaim as a Quebec-based film director.