Runway lights shine in support of local cancer research

Lyceum of Greek Women of Montreal and Greek (Fashion) Designers Association assist Dr. Lucy Gilbert’s DOvEEgene Clinical Research Project

This past week the Lyceum of Greek Women of Montreal (LGWM) staged a spectacular Greek Fashion Show at Laval’s Palace Convention Centre.

“Emily in Paris” jacket shown in Laval at Lyceum fashion show. (Photo: Harry Barba)

The gala event, held in support of the DOvEEgene Clinical Research Project that focuses on women’s cancer issues, featured 14 major Greek designers coordinated by Greek Designers Association president Orsalia Parthenis who traveled from Greece to present the magnificent creations.

Emceed by renowned Greek TV journalist-and-fashionista, Irene Nikolopoulou, the fund-raiser amassed $30,000 for research into prevention-and-cure-of cancer research.

Palace Convention Centre kicks in $15,000

Annie Koutrakis, Vimy MP and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport and Emmanuella Lambropoulos, Ville Saint-Laurent MP, heads of the Liberal Female Caucus, were the show’s honourary chairs; they were joined at the event by local leaders and various dignitaries from Greece.

LGWM has pledged $100,000 for the DOvEEgene Project by end-of-2023. The $45,000 proceeds from its 2022 Christmas Culinary Gala has already been donated; the group intends to complete its pledge with the community’s support from this prestigious Fashion Show. The April 25th event collected $30,000, apart from action-filled auctions for five designer-dresses modeled by cancer survivors and avoiders.

Bids ranged from $400 to $800 per dress. LGWM president Justine Frangouli-Argyris proudly announced a gener[1]ous gift of $15,000 from the Palace Convention Center. Since 2019, LGWM has contributed $300,000 to the DOvEEgene Clinical Research Project. Dr. Lucy Gilbert, the hero behind this research, stated that she wishes to headquarter the research in Canada, with intention to provide the findings to doctors all-over-the-world.

Businesswoman Katerina Markakis, designer Orsalia Parthenis, president of the LGWM Justine Frangouli-Argyris, and journalist / fashionista Irene Nikolopoulou. (Photo: Harry Barba)

Dr. Gilbert is in the final stages of the clinical research for the new molecular “Pap-type” test that will detect ovarian and endometrial cancer very early. Many LGWM female members have already taken the test and two were diagnosed with pre-cancerous cells in their abdomen and underwent hysterectomy, saving them from the silent killer of ovarian cancer.

Ground-breaking research

While there’s ample research into ovarian and endometrial cancers, Dr. Gilbert is the only local researcher looking for an early detection test, uniquely positioned to achieve this goal.

Although US Labs have more funding, her medical expertise and her access to diversity-of-women within the public healthcare system are keys to clinical studies to confirm her discovery, a historical moment for Canada and for women all-over-the-world.

Justine Frangouli-Argyris proudly told TLN that Dr. Gilbert, director of gynecology and oncology at MUHC is the first in the world to have ground-breaking research saving a multitude of women. Holding Canada Revenue Agency accreditation (CRA), Lyceum of Greek Women of Montreal is a non-profit that promotes cultural and feminist issues.

The 15 women from various profes[1]sions and backgrounds who comprise the board of directors of are Canadian ladies of Hellenic origin with passion-and-fire. From the organization’s 2016 birth, they have promoted unique aspects of Greek culture, beginning with their first major undertaking – the STATUE OF THE GREEK IMMIGRANT – by esteemed international sculptor, Giorgos Houliaras.

The work, donated to Montreal, on the occasion of the city’s 375th anni[1]versary, has become one of the metropolis’s major landmarks. Greece has an amazing wealth of fashion talent, and seeing these creative visionaries bring their show-stopping designs to life on the runway was truly epic. The theme surrounded a celebration of strength, hope, and compas[1]sion. Guests were totally blown away by the creativity, skill, and craftsmanship that went into each-and-every design, visual works of art, breathtaking as they were ethereal, playful, daring and stunning.

Early detection of silent killers

Chomedey municipal councillor Aglaia Revelakis, Consul General for Greece in Montreal Katerina Varvarigou, and Parc-Extension city councillor Mary Deros. (Photo: Harry Barba)

“(Our efforts) are specifically designed to raise much-needed public support and funds for ovarian awareness, prevention, and treatment programs through our long-standing partner[1]ships with the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) and the Québec Breast Cancer Foundation (QBCF),” Frangouli-Argyris stated in media releases.

“Over-the-years, we’ve raised millions for breast cancer causes,” she added, emphasizing that early detection also identifies uterus-and-ovarian-cancer, the silent killer. “This year’s collection,” she specified, “pays tribute to our ever-evolving lifestyle and perseverance Canadians show in adapting to our environment with empathy and compassion. The creations are inspired by light, sea, and the long history of Greece.”

The spectacular event swept 500 guests on musical-fash[1]ion-journeys creatively blending DJ music with trend-setting fashions to bring excitement, glamour and lifestyle in up-close[1]and-personal ways, while aiding an extremely important worthy cause which will save women’s lives all-over-the-world through the DOvEEgene Clinical Research Project headed by Dr. Lucy Gilbert.

With hope, on behalf of women

In her address to the gathering, Dr. Gilbert confided that she works with sadness, sorrow, and pain, but she works on behalf of women who have given up their lives, and for those whose lives were saved. The runway, blending beach and casual/formal wear, gave the audience tastes of what’s paramount in timeless Greek fashion.

Described as ‘the most stylish party of the year’ was attended by 500 Greek local goddesses in search of a cure for cancers afflicting women all over the world. Special thanks went to Maria Fotopoulos, the soul of the organization of this memorable event, and to Dr. Lucy Gilbert and her team at McGill University, the major force behind the DOvEEgene Clinical Research Project.