With the City of Laval now part of the “red” zone decreed by the Quebec government to safeguard against the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the CISSS de Laval has issued a reminder of the conditions which the public is now expected to respect for the next 28 days.
- It is forbidden to invite guests into your home (except for certain exceptions);
- Private gatherings are forbidden;
- Organized activities no longer allowed in a public place, including show halls, theatres, cinemas, museums and libraries;
- Maximum of 25 persons at any time allowed in a place of worship and at funerals;
- Bars, brasseries, taverns, casinos and restaurants are all closed (except for deliveries and take-outs);
- No visits at CHSLDs, private retirement residences and intermediary resources (except for humanitarian visits or by caregivers);
- Travel to orange, yellow or green regions not recommended, with the exception of essential travel.