Laval’s 48th blood donor clinic deemed a success

The City of Laval says that on Sept. 9 and 10, nearly 650 donors gave the gift of life during Laval’s 48th blood donor clinic held in conjunction with Héma-Québec.

This year again because of the ongoing Covid pandemic, the event took place on an appointment-only basis in order to ensure the security of blood donors, volunteers and staff and to maximize efficiency.

According to the city, there were 83 new blood donors this year, showing that recruiting efforts have been producing results.

The organizers said the jump in participation could be explained by a stepped-up social media campaign undertaken by the city and Héma-Québec to get people involved.

Fifty volunteers provided their services for this year’s blood donor clinic, and the organizers say the Laval clinic may have set new records across Canada.

The blood clinic was supported by several sponsors, including Sanofi, McDonald’s and the Centre sportif Bois-de-Boulogne.