(TLN) As a result of recent interest stirred up by media reports regarding the City of Laval’s plans to set up a centralized animal protection office, officials with the city have decided to set the record straight.
The city says its main goal is to equip itself with a comprehensive animal services centre by 2018. For that purpose $15.3 million has been set aside in the 2016-2018 triennial capital works budget. In the meantime, preparatory work is underway for the construction of the facility and a city-owned site has been reserved.

‘We hope to offer quality and ethical animal services which respond to the needs of Laval residents,’ says Mayor Marc Demers
Quality animal protection
“We hope to offer quality and ethical animal services which respond to the needs of Laval residents,” says Marc Demers. “To do this we need to be proactive while prioritizing practices and actions adapted to the well-being of animals on our territory. In this effort, the city will be accompanied by a consultative committee made up of experts from the sectors of animal health, management of large projects, community action and legal affairs.”
In the meantime before the opening of the new centre, the mayor said an animal control contract is being awarded to Berger Blanc. He said the city will also be relying on independent inspectors who will be making sure that good practices prevail in regards to animal welfare and health in Laval.
Berger Blanc contract
According to Laval executive-committee member Sandra Desmeules, the three-year contract to Berger Blanc costing $1,836,000 includes an option to renew for a year. “What is certain is that our new supplier will have to conform to all legal requirements and regulations,” she said. “In addition, Berger Blanc commits itself to working closely with organizations in the community.”
Berger Blanc’s contract, which begins on Feb. 27, stipulates that it is responsible for examining, vaccinating, deworming, sterilizing and placing microchips in animals before their adoption. The company will also be required to refuse to euthanize healthy animals simply because someone requests it.
Contractors’ obligations
Berger Blanc is also required to take part in two microchip days per year, with on-site adoption and sterilization information, in conjunction with community organizations. And the company must work proactively with animal shelters in order to facilitate interactions leading to adoptions.
“The city has the well-being of animals at heart and believes in the importance of a partnership with the various players involved,” added Demers. “We are committed to letting be known what our thinking is regarding the well-being of animals with the development of the animal services centre.”