Residents invited to make appointments for this year’s two-day event

In order to ensure the safety of citizens and volunteers during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Laval’s blood donor clinic will be taking place this year on an appointment basis only.
As well, it will be taking place over two days, Sept. 10 and 11, in order to in order to allow the maximum number of donors to take part in the clinic at the Centre sportif Bois-de-Boulogne.
According to the city, a new approach for the clinic will allow crowding to be better controlled while accelerating the process.
Appointment necessary
Laval residents will be able to make appointments for one of the two days. The appointments are from 10 am to 7 pm on each day. Reservations can be made by phone at 1 800 343-7264, or by e-mail at
‘This year, the gift of blood is even more important, taking into account the pandemic,’ says Mayor Marc Demers
“For the past 47 years, people from Laval have been making a commitment to save lives,” said Mayor Marc Demers. “This year, the gift of blood is even more important, taking into account the pandemic. This is why we are counting on the generous participation of Laval residents to take an hour of their time to save lives.”