Laval takes special measures to prevent COVID-19 spread

City follows recommendations made by provincial and federal governments

(TLN) Following the example of the federal and provincial governments, the City of Laval has announced that it is putting into place new measures to prevent further spread of the coronavirus which causes COVID-19.
In a statement, the city says it has established three priorities: protecting the health and well-being of its employees; maintaining services for residents; and respecting measures that may be implemented by the Public Health Directorate at the Ministry of Health and Social Services.
“The health and security of our citizens and our employees are fundamental,” said Mayor Marc Demers. “The city will be making all the necessary efforts at its various facilities. The goal is to limit as best possible the spread of the virus. For that, the city will be cooperating narrowly with the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de Laval. Be assured that that we are following the situation from very close.”

City’s special measures

The city is taking the following measures at municipal buildings and installations: cleaning and maintenance has been stepped up (especially on surfaces vulnerable to contamination); alcohol-based disinfectant foam and gel is being made available at building entrances; disposable disinfectant towelettes are also being made available for cleaning surfaces and desktops in work places; posters are being put up to raise awareness of the COVID-19 emergency.
In addition, according to the city, a special team has been created to answer questions from municipal employees on the impact of coronavirus on their work. The city’s human resources department has also put into place measures to provide support to workers should they catch the virus or have to take care of a loved one who falls ill. The city is also strongly recommending to all its employees that they postpone planned travel to foreign countries.

No large gatherings

Finally, in line with a recommendation made by the Government of Quebec, all activities bringing together more than 250 persons are cancelled until further notice. For non-essential activities bringing together fewer than 250 people, the City of Laval is recommending that they be postponed. In case they do proceed, the city is recommending that special measures be taken to minimize virus transmission risks.
The mayor is inviting Laval residents to carefully keep track of the situation and to be aware of the recommendations made by the provincial and federal governments. The City of Laval has set up a new web page dedicated just to COVID-19.

A link can be found on the city’s web site, or at this web address:

Personal hygiene measures

The following measures are also recommended to help prevent the spread of the virus: wash hands in lukewarm water with soap for at least 20 seconds; use an alcohol-based disinfectant if no water is available; cough or sneeze into a shirt of sweater sleeve.
When paper tissues are used, they must be disposed of as soon as possible and hands must be washed immediately. If you are concerned about the state of your health or someone else’s, call the regional health department’s 8-1-1 medical information line.