Laval tables new building height regulations

(TLN) During Laval city council’s April 4 meeting, the council members passed resolutions limiting the maximum  building height.

According to the city, Laval has never imposed building heights. As a result, tall towers could be built anywhere and this contributed to an uneven form of urban planning. The city took action to correct the situation.

New urban planning

“Laval is giving itself modern urban regulation in order to create interesting living areas,” said Mayor Marc Demers. “This is the end of anarchy and the beginning of planned development in Laval.

According to Demers, one of the desired effects of the new rules will be design a downtown area that is harmonious. The vast area takes in the Carrefour Laval, the Cité de la Biotech, Collège Montmorency and other locations. The building heights for the downtown area will gradually from six storeys near residential areas to 10, 15 and 25 storeys or more.

Building heights vary

“An emblematic neighbourhood where entertainment, culture and business are important is taking shape in Laval,” added Demers. “We want to make it a place that is inviting, stimulating and beautiful.”

In older neighbourhoods of Laval, the maximum heights will vary from six to eight storeys, out of respect for the established standard. The new rules approved by council apply on an interim basis, until a new urban plan is adopted. In the meantime, modifications will be possible.

Traffic calming coming

According to the mayor, Laval’s residents are looking for safe streets. Following a recommendation by the executive-committee, council awarded two contracts worth a total of $7.5 million for comprehensive traffic analyses to get an understanding of the traffic calming measures that will be necessary.

“Laval residents want somewhere to live that is peaceful,” said Demers. “Car traffic is one of the most report irritants. We take this preoccupation seriously and we are putting into place important measures to answer the expectations of the citizens with regard to neighbourhoods that secure and peaceful.”