Home Automotive Laval man fined $1,572 for car racing on Autoroute 50

Laval man fined $1,572 for car racing on Autoroute 50

A 24-year-old man from Laval had his driver’s license suspended for a week, while also receiving a $1,572 ticket and 12 demerit points, after being caught by the Sûreté du Québec racing his car against another driver along Autoroute 50 near Lachute during the early morning of July 20.

Around 4 am, according to a local newspaper account, officers from the SQ’s detachment in MRC Argenteuil were parked underneath an overpass on Route 327 at a junction with Autoroute 50.

In their report, the officers said they witnessed two cars line up side-by-side in the eastbound lanes of the A-50, following which the vehicles rapidly accelerated.

After pursuing the racing vehicles and detaining the drivers (the other one was from Montreal North), the officers charged them under section 22 of the Quebec highway code.