(TLN) On June 1 and 2nd, the Centropolis is the place where many Laval residents will want to be for the 13th annual Laval Firemen’s Festival. As always the festival will start at 9:30AM with the ever popular firetruck and fire vehicles, parading from the Mondo garage (19 avenue Munck) in the industrial district till the Centropolis central area, around 10:30AM.
Motorists should consult the streets closures found on page 11 of The Laval News.
Activities and shows for all to enjoy
From 9:30 AM to 4PM, various shows and activities about fire prevention will take place such as the ever-popular smoke-filled house simulator, a lesson in how to escape a fire, a simulation of a car on fire, and of course an exhibit of beautiful vintage fire trucks and vehicles. For the young there’ll be mascots, face makeup, strolling clowns, inflatable games and shows on stage such as the Kalimba Saturday show and Ari Cui Cui Sunday show
On Saturday 5PM an open invitation to all to enjoy musical bands Early Jazz Band and Croche Blanche at the center of Centropolis terraces.
Firemen relays
Part of the activities is the various relay runs. It is expected than more than 6000 runners will participate in various relays throughout the city’s streets of 1, 2, 5, 10, 21,1 or 42,2 km. All those who finish will receive a medal.
The “tochlight” runs of 2km and 5km will take place Friday May 31st from the Centre de la nature at 8PM.
This year’s spokesperson and triple Olympic medalist Marianne St-Gelais as well some of the Laval Rockets team players will participate in the 5km run.
“The 24 hour Challenge” will start on Saturday at 2PM and will finish -going on for 24 hours straight- Sunday 2PM.
Eight teams of 10 participants each, will be running up and down the stairs of a two tower metallic structure of more than 12 meters high, joined by a 18 meter bridge. All donations received will be given to the “Fondation des pompiers du Québec pour les grands brûlés”.
Whether its going to be sunny or raining, the Firemen’s Festival will go on.