City Grants for diverse groups
$52,000 to Centraide
The City has awarded a $52,000 grant to Centraide as part of city of Laval’s employees and retired employees fund raising efforts to contribute to Centraide’s annual financing campaign. This amount represents the corporate contribution of Laval’s administration to the campaign which raised a record amount of $196,705.
$20,000 to Laval’s Volunteer Center and Food Bank
The administration has awarded a grant of $ 20,000 to Laval’s Volunteer Center (Centre de benevolat) and food bank (Moisson Laval) for 2017 to help fund the 33rd annual Christmas basket campaign. The Volunteer Center and Moisson Laval’s mission is to develop and promote volunteerism in Laval. Recruitment, training, mentoring and coordination of volunteers is promoted to increase the well-being of the community and provide support for the less fortunate. In addition, the Center operates the regional Moisson Laval food bank, which meets the needs of local organizations through the recovery, processing and distribution of quality food. These organizations also offer lunches and snacks in schools and food service. Even today, 10% of Quebec families live below the poverty line. Every month, more than 21,000 people in Laval use food banks.
$10,000 to the medias of Laval annual food drive
Every year on the first Thursday of December the annual media food drive sponsored by Quebec’s media is held throughout all of the province. During December of 2017 staff and volunteers from a hundred Quebec media outlets with the help of thousands of volunteers came together to help people in need. In Laval, the Volunteer Center and Moisson Laval and the Saint-Vincent-de-Paul Society work together to ensure the success of this event. More than 400 volunteers collected donations of cash or non-perishable food at various collection points. As a corporate contribution for 2017, the City has awarded a $ 10,000 grant to the cause.
$9,000 to the Bruny Surin Foundation
A grant of $ 9,000 has been awarded to the Bruny Surin Foundation to offer six conferences in Laval elementary and secondary schools. Organized in collaboration with Sports Laval, these conferences are part of the Foundation’s mission, which is to promote an active and healthy lifestyle in youth as well as fostering educational and sporting success with young people. In addition, the Foundation will endorse these conferences through the media in order to promote the Quebec Games Final to be held in Laval in 2020.
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$27,636 to eight Laval recreation organizations
The municipal financial assistance program covering areas of recreation and community life for children in the City of Laval stipulates that nonprofit recreation community organizations qualify for financial support from the city administration in the amount of $6.00 per every young person under the age of eighteen participating in activities at most twice a year. A total of $27,636 was approved to be shared by the following eight associations providing children’s activities: Loisirs Duvernay Saint-Vincent received $3966; Service des loisirs Renaud/Coursol was given $942; Service des loisirs de Laval-Ouest was awarded $3522; Loisibourg received $3162; Loisirs Sainte-Dorothée received a grant of $6354; Association des résidents de Champfleury received $3240;
Service des Loisirs Sainte-Béatrice was given $2670 while Service des loisirs Saint Bruno’s grant totalled $3780.
1.2 million dollars for the revision of the city urban planning by-laws
Under the Planning and Development Act, the City of Laval must adopt leading bylaws attached to the revised urban development plan of action that was voted in city council and took effect since December 8th 2017. The City intends to take advantage of this opportunity to carry out a complete revision of its urban planning by-law inventory which has been operational since 1970. The revision of the rules and regulations mandate, which consists of the overall management of the drafting process, was the subject of a call for tenders. The winning bid to review and revise the bylaws by Urban Workshop’s will cost a total of $ 1,201,097.84 (taxes included) for all professional and legal services. Funding of this project will be placed on the agenda of the next Municipal Council for pronouncement.
Follow-up of the Val-Martin Realty Revitalization Project, Phase 1
The City has authorized the Laval Municipal Housing Office (OMHL) to proceed with the decontamination and demolition of three buildings on lots 1,637,248, 1,637,249 and 1,637,566. This is the first phase of the Val-Martin Real Estate Revitalization Project. Two of these lots will be used to develop a new park that will be located adjacent to a future multi-functional community service center building which will also house 75 social housing units. The third lot will be modified so that it can be sold to the Laval Municipal Housing Office (OMHL) in early 2018 and allow for the construction of the community service social housing building project.