Laval City Hall Watch – April 5 2017

Laval City Hall Watch - April 5 2017

Future construction work of $ 3.5 million on Industrial Boulevard

Laval’s executive committee has adopted a motion to be presented to city council to borrow the funds to realize a project for the construction and installation of sidewalks, curbs, bicycle paths, pavement rehabilitation, street linage and traffic lights on Industrial boulevard, between Dagenais boulevard west and Cunard Street. The estimated budget to realize this roadwork construction is $ 3,556,000 and is part of the three year infrastructure development plan


Construction statistics for the months of January and February 2017

The urban planning department executive presented the executive committee a statistics report concerning construction activity in Laval for the months of January and February 2017. During the months of January and February 2017 the city urban development office issued fifty three construction permits for the development of eighty three new dwellings. The reported value of this new construction is $ 30.7 million. For the ICI construction category (industry, commerce, institution), a permit was issued for new buildings worth $ 600,000. In the case of permits issued for renovations and improvements to existing buildings (all categories) a total of 175 construction permits were issued for a total value of $ 38.3 million.

Overall investment in all of these construction permits now stands at $ 69.5 million compared to $ 72 million for January and February 2016. The number of permits for the months of January and February 2017 is 294 compared to 268 and 265 for the same months in 2016 and 2015. The number of new residential structures totals 417 new units for the months of January and February 2017 compared with 172 and 373 for the same months in 2016 and 2015 confirming that new construction is on the rise.


Monies directed for the Improvement of STL infrastructures and services

The executive committee has forwarded for city council approval four resolutions to borrow funds for the capitalization of developmental projects to improve the operational efficiency and services offered by Laval’s regional transport service (Société de transport de Laval-STL).

The first resolution involves an expenditure and loan of $ 720,000 for the acquisition and implementation of a central customer relationship information system. The second decrees the funding of $ 465,000 for the acquisition and implementation of assignment selection software, which will optimize the process and plan the work week schedules of the bus drivers much more quickly. The third offer to borrow $ 500,000 is for the Bus Stop Access Improvement Project (BSAIP), and a final proposal of $ 3,500,000 for the rehabilitation of the building at 2205 avenue Francis-Hugues in Laval.

The BSAIP project is part of a plan to develop smarter hopes of improving the speed, reliability and accessibility of Laval’s public transit network. The STL will be launching several major projects including the implementation of a series of preferential measures for buses (PMB).

These initiatives that are 100% financed by the Quebec Ministry of Transport will include a system of transit signal priority lights that prioritizes buses throughout the STL’s network, the creation of reserved bus lanes, the addition of passing lanes and the installation of bus priority signal lights. Part of the improvement process will also see specific bus stops moved from before intersections to just after in order to improve traffic flow. The city of Laval will also be taking this opportunity to make improvements to its network of roads, pedestrian walkways and bike paths.


Agriculture Laval services to be transferred to the municipal administration

The executive committee have approved a grant of up to $ 25,000 for the use of Agriculture Laval (AGRIL) to provide it financial assistance for the preparation of legal documents for the transfer of its movable and immovable property to the City of Laval as well as the organization’s dissolution (preparation of the necessary resolutions, financial statements, etc.).

It should be noted that the executive committee has preemptively prepared a contingency to continue the work of AGRIL when it adopted resolution CE-2015/4194, the 25th of November 2015 in the case it was decided to dissolve this entity. The mission of Agriculture Laval will be assumed by a consultation committee and or advisory committee on agricultural land consolidation which will fall under the auspices and responsibilities of the assistant to the city manager responsible for economic development.


Priorities for social and cultural development interventions

The members of the Executive Committee approved the priorities for the City of Laval’s annual social and cultural development interventions in support of structuring projects to improve living environments for 2016-2017 and 2017 -2018, in accordance with the provisions of the Territorial Development Fund Agreement (TDF). This agreement requires recipients of the funds to clearly outline the regional priorities the funding will be earmarked to address. Laval’s administration has chosen to prioritize the development of animation centers in scientific museology; cultural development;
support for local and regional consultation as well as continued social development.

The Territorial Development Fund (TDF) was established by the Government of Quebec to support regional county municipalities (RCMs) in their new jurisdiction to promote local and regional development on their territory.

The City of Laval, which holds the powers of MRC, was invited to conclude an agreement with the Government of Québec for the term 2015-2017 to clarify the City of Laval’s obligations regarding the use of the TDF. The City of Laval has established its priorities in the context of the Laval 2035 Strategic Vision plan.
Laval becomes a specialist in sustainable building
The executive committee has endorsed Laval’s joining the Canada Green Building Council (CGBC) as a sustainable building specialist. Sustainable building specialists are companies and organizations that use the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) assessment system for their sustainability projects and contribute to the continued improvement of this system through their membership in the CGBC. The benefits offered include access to essential LEED certification information and the professional services they need, as well as eligibility for all other benefits offered to CGBC members to help employees maintain their professional licenses and active participation in this growing global industry.
Financial assistance to ZØGMAf.bro

A grant of $ 15,000 was granted to ZØGMA, an urban folklore collective and a professional dance company, as part of the cultural bridges initiative. This financial support will help to achieve the following objectives: support the creation, experimentation and production of the arts; promote the cultural life of Laval; promote the dissemination of Laval’s artistic productions and improve the visibility of artistic creators and performers as well as promoting the work of Laval artists.