L’Appui invests record amounts in caregivers across Quebec

$50 million to be spent on support for caregivers of older adults

L’Appui invests record amounts in caregivers across Quebec
From the left, Sonia Lessard (executive-director of L’Appui Montérégie), L’Appui national executive-director Guillaume Joseph, and Lucie Gagnon (executive-director of L’Appui Montreal) are seen here during the organization’s press conference on May 7 in Montreal.
Martin C. Barry

L’Appui pour les proches aidants d’aînés, an umbrella group for organizations providing services to caregivers of older adults across Quebec, has announced record investments of $50 million over the next three years for caregiver support.

The sums, the largest in the history of the organization, will allow for direct services to caregivers of older adults according to their needs and depending on the different regional realities.

English caregiver support

According to L’Appui officials, who made the announcement during a press conference on May 7 at their downtown Montreal offices, the amounts will be invested throughout Quebec, to organizations offering services to caregivers of older adults in their communities.

For example, this year and next year $3,871,413 will be used to fund organizations in the Montreal region (including Laval) and $1,329,879 will go to organizations of the region of the National Capital. The investments also include sums allotted to groups providing support to English-speaking caregivers, according to L’Appui.

Services to expand

The less populated regions of Quebec will also see services expand, such as in Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine where $558,477 will be used for projects sponsored by community organizations. In Montérégie, the organizations there will receive $2,300,000 to ensure the development of their offer while preserving their service quality.

The national executive-director of L’Appui, Guillaume Joseph, emphasized the relevance of all the projects. “We are very proud of these investments,” he told journalists. “First, of course, because the needs are there, but also because we have developed real expertise over the years. Thanks to our regional Appui offices, we are familiar with the needs and realities of the field.

Caregiver needs growing

“These are investments that will end up being converted into services directly to caregivers of seniors,” continued Joseph. “In other words, respite services, psychosocial support services and information services, as well as training.

“We are particularly proud to announce these investments because the needs are great. Caregivers are more and more numerous and will continue to be so in the coming years. Therefore it is important that there are services in place in order to answer to these needs, which can be quite different from one caregiver to another.”

L’Appui invests record amounts in caregivers across Quebec
“Caregivers are more and more numerous and will continue to be so in the coming years,” says L’Appui national executive-director Guillaume Joseph.

Resources also available

In Quebec, according to L’Appui, 65 per cent of caregivers of older adults say they don’t have access to services because they don’t know them or don’t know where to find them. This is why, in addition to funding, L’Appui says it has set up two resources to assist caregivers in their research and to support them throughout their journey.

L’Appui’s Caregiver Support Service offers personalized, free and confidential support to caregivers of older adults. The professional advisors offer support, information and references. They can be reached on weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm at 1 855 857-7784, or by e-mail at info-aidant@lappui.org. A resource directory of the organizations and their services is also available at lappui.org. It allows anyone to search by region and type of service, according to the needs of each.

An important mandate

Founded in 2009, L’Appui pour les proches aidants d’aînés is a non-profit organization funded by the government of Quebec and the family of Lucie and André Chagnon. The main mandate of L’Appui pour les proches aidants d’aînés is to help implement and fund information, training, psychosocial support and respite services that are offered by community organizations.

L’Appui also holds a role of mobilization and concertation for the various players who are dedicated to supporting caregivers of older adults and who participate in improving their quality of life. This mission is carried out across Quebec with the help of 17 regional Appui offices as well as a specific agreement for the Cree Territory of James Bay.