The Laval Police are investigating two separate targeted shootings on de Normandie Blvd. in Chomedey, committed by gunmen who apparently got the address wrong in both cases.

Officers with the LPD were called to one of the addresses near the corner of d’Alençon Ave. around 5:30 am on Monday morning.
The owner, an 86-year-old man, complained that gunshots had been fired on the garage door of his residence, although there were no reported injuries and the perpetrators fled quickly.
The police said later that the man had no known connections to criminals and didn’t have a police record.
Nearly a week before, also around 5:30 am at a nearby house, near the corner of de Normandie and 100th Ave., gunshots were fired through a residence’s large front window into the living room, as well through a smaller window into a bedroom where a woman in her 20s was sleeping.
After interviewing the family, the police told them they were probably mistakenly targeted.