Three emergency room physicians are listed as being among six employees at Laval’s Cité de la Santé who have come down with COVID-19 over the past week, according to a union representing hospital workers.
Although the hospital’s staff of emergency room doctors has been reduced to 27 by the COVID infections, patients are in no immediate danger, but that could change if the situation were to deteriorate, a spokesman for the Syndicat des infirmières, inhalothérapeutes et infirmières auxiliaires de Laval (SIIIAL-CSQ) said on Jan. 1.

According to CISSS de Laval spokesperson Geneviève Goudreault, COVID testing of employees, which had been taking place once weekly, is being increased to three times a week for the next seven days.
She said that only Cité de la Santé’s emergency department had been affected so far by the surge in COVID-19 infections.