Planting trees in Fabreville
The Laval Executive Committee has granted the nonprofit corporation PlantAction $ 12,500 for the purchase of 250 trees and the additional sum of $ 3 800 for the provision of planting materials, for a total of 16 300 $. Launched in 2012, PlantAction aims to educate residents about the importance of planting trees to beautify the landscape, encourage individual eco-citizenship and increase the natural urban canopy to counter heat islands on residential streets. The primary objective is to promote a healthy urban lifestyle respectful of the natural environment.

With these goals in mind PlantAction will plant 250 trees in Fabreville 125 of which will be planted in the spring of 2016 and the same number in autumn 2016. “Planting trees is one of the actions we value and encourage and integrate perfectly with our strategic vision of Laval. It is therefore natural for us to support PlantAction, which is dedicated to increasing the green cover of Laval and improving the ecology for the citizens, “argued the mayor, Marc Demers.
Planting of trees in other sectors will be tabled in the future as the administration considers this to be a priority in developing an ecologically friendly environment for its citizens.
Municipal Grants for local recreation committees
The Executive Committee has authorized the issuing of grants totaling $19,398 which are earmarked for seven local recreational organizations. These organizations provided diverse service and programs in the fall of 2015 which benefited Laval youth. Laval’s financial assistance program for leisure and community life services offered by recognized and accredited organizations provides municipal funding of about $ 6 per participant for 17 year olds and under youth per session and a maximum of two times per year.
The name of the organizations benefiting from these grants include; Recreation Duvernay Saint Vincent serving 485 members will receive $2,910, Laval West Recreation serving 587 youth receives $3,522, Loisibourg with 422 participants is given
$2,532, Sainte-Dorothée Recreation with 795 inscriptions will benefit to the tune of $4,770, Residents Association Champfleury serving 182 receives $1,092, Recreation Saint-Bruno Laval serving 324 members gets $1,944 and Saint-Elzéar Entertainment which signed up 438 members collects $2,628.
Repair of tennis and basketball court surfaces
The Executive Committee authorized the the publication of a tender for the repair of tennis and basketball court surfaces in various city parks. An assessment is underway to determine which areas will be the subject of work. Normally the bids for repair and resurfacing of playing surfaces depend on materials and the surface area involved and is charged a fee per square foot.
Hiking and cycle path Oka-Mont-Saint-Hilaire
The executive is preparing to issue a public tender for the development and construction of sections of the hiking and cycling trail joining the Oka-Mont-Saint-Hilaire region of the Montreal Metropolitan Community (CMM) green path that passes through Laval. The project receives two thirds of its funding from the Montreal Metropolitan Community and the Quebec government. The initial estimate of $976,000 is part of Laval’s Three year Infrastructure program for active and sustainable mobility whose global budget for 2016 is approximately $28 million.
Gender equality
The Department of Culture, Recreation and Sport and Social Development has been mandated by the Executive Committee to develop conventions with the Secretariat for the condition of Women to help guide the training of municipal workers and staff of municipal partners addressing gender equality issues in the workplace. It is hoped that by better understanding the issues affecting the equality between women and men strategies and protocols can be developed that will promote a greater inclusion of women in the workplace. Also the administration would profit from a renewed perspective in guiding its choices and action to realize its objective of promoting a gender equal working environment.
Internship in Laval Fire Stations
On May 20th twelve students from the Commission scolaire de Laval have been authorized to participate in an unpaid internship stage to observe the staff of Laval’s Fire Department. Students benefit from first hand experiences and contacts when they are allowed to interact and observe professionals in their habitual work environments.
Public security services upgrade of radio communication systems
Laval’s executive committee has authorized its purchasing service to tender an offer for public bidding for the purchase of a new radio communication system P25 for its public security services, police and fire departments.
Project 25 (P25) radios are designed specifically for a suite of digital radio features that are used by federal, provincial, and local government public safety organizations. The main function of P25 radios is to allow various organizations and teams to communicate during emergency or mutual aid situations. The upgraded system will allow a quick integration into the communication networks already in use by Urgence Sante and North Shore public security organizations. Also the portable radios will help rapidly locate staff in situations of distress and high stress.
This new upgraded system will also create a safer working environment for first respondents in emergencies due to a greater battery life as well as a clearer and stronger transmission and reception of the radio signals. This is especially important in fire situations where personal is wearing their respiratory gear.
Motorola has taken a leadership role with P25 radios, offering innovative features such as IMPRES batteries, dual band radios, fully integrated touch screens, and industry-leading audio suppression that enable critical messages to be transmitted successfully.
In September of 2015 Industry Canada has given the city administration 18 months to upgrade their existing radio communication system EDACS P16 after which they could not guarantee the maintenance and quality control of this system.
Completing des Jacinthes street in St. Dorothee
The executive has tabled a first notice of intent to present a project to purchase or expropriate the lots needed to complete the passage of des Jacinthes street in St. Dorothee. An initial sum of $293,000 has been set aside for this purpose. The monies will come from the $25 million budget set aside in 2016 for the purposes of acquisitions for the development of infrastructures.