Monday, July 15, 2024

Polls, Politics and Power Dictate Policies

I suppose we should not be surprised that our federal government tolerates, perhaps condones scandalous intrusions in the life of Canadian citizens in Québec. After...

Bill 40 ruling ‘a triumph for English school boards,’ says SWLSB

Officials with the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board (SWLSB) issued a statement Thursday saying they are thrilled a Quebec Superior Court judge ruled that...

Task Force on Linguistic Policy hopes to raise $100K for Bill 96 challenge

Online info session on new Quebec language law on Wednesday March 8 The Task Force on Linguistic Policy is facing a challenge meeting a fundraising...

Tom Mulcair sees Ottawa’s Bill C-13 becoming a 2023 election issue

Ex-NDP leader takes issue with Ottawa’s pending overhaul of Official Languages Act In a talk at Concordia University last week, former NDP leader Tom Mulcair...

#NewsMatters: The National Assembly Report

By Raquel Fletcher Marie-Chantal Chassé’s short-lived political career was not an easy one: the former environment minister, relegated to the backbenches early on in the CAQ’s...
Laurier School Board showcases 2017-2018 budget overview

SWLSB votes unanimously to support EMSB Bill 96 challenge

The Council of Commissioners of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board (SWLSB) voted unanimously on Thursday evening to declare support for the English Montreal...

Montreal lawyer Julius Grey to head legal team challenging Bill 96

Constitutional expert sees key areas he believes will not stand up to legal scrutiny Almost as soon as the Coalition Avenir Québec government’s Bill 96...

Quebec’s Bill 96 reeks of Premier François Legault’s flawed populism

Say what you will about the Coalition Avenir Québec government’s Bill 96: If you are among the nearly 6.25 million people in this province...

#NewsMatters: The National Assembly Report

With Raquel Fletcher in Quebec City For those still holding out hope that Quebec will not adopt Bill 96, time is running out Thousands of people...

#NewsMatters: The National Assembly Report

“Anglophones need to stop being hostages of the Liberal Party”: Éric Duhaime Quebec Conservative Party leader seeks common ground with English-speakers Raquel Fletcher in Quebec City Éric...