(TLN) On Thursday Feb. 14 at 8:15 am, representatives of Agape, Laval Senior Academy and the Community Learning Centre were outdoors at Laval Senior Academy, taking advantage of School Perseverance week (Feb. 11 – 15) to welcome students as they entered school for the day.
Launching web site
They were giving out Got my info? pens to all the students (and staff) that morning for the official launch of the new Got my info? website. At the same time, they were giving words of encouragement and praise to all the youths they met outside the Souvenir Blvd. secondary school.
Like the French-language As tu mon numéro.com web site, Gotmyinfo.com is an interactive web site for all English-speaking Laval youths, parents and professionals in various areas working with youth (school network, municipal level, health and social services and community sector).
A joint effort
Got my info? is a joint initiative that was created in 2006 by various Laval partners working with youth who’s mission was to create awareness of the many resources available for Laval youth.
The As-tu mon numéro?committee is composed of representatives from Agape, Carrefour jeunesse emploi de Laval, Centre communautaire Val-Martin, Commission scolaire de Laval, Corporation intégration à la vie active des personnes handicapées de Laval – CIVAPHL, CISSS de Laval and the City of Laval with support from ALPABEM – project fiduciary.
Commmittee members
The Got my info? committee is composed of representatives from Agape, CISSS de Laval, the Community Learning Centre, the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board, CDC Vimont with support from Health Canada action plan for official languages 2018-2023 – investing in our future – managed by the Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN).
The organizers say that, through a joint collaboration, they are making information and resources accessible to Laval’s English-speaking youth, families and professionals. The As-tu mon numéro? committee collaborated with Agape and the Got my info? committee to translate and design the website into the English language.