Area’s only English-language Air Cadets program wins praise from local officials
The 100 Laval Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets staged their 10th annual ceremonial review in the gym at Laval Junior Academy on May 6 with Chomedey Member of the Quebec National Assembly Sona Lakhoyan Olivier as the reviewing officer and special guest.
The country’s best
Regarded by many as the best youth program in Canada, the Air Cadets offer free membership for all activities to youths from ages 12 to 18 without exception. The activities include survival and adventure training, marksmanship, music, as well as airplane and glider training.

The 100 Laval Squadron is also the only English-language Air Cadet squadron currently active in Laval and the North Shore region. The program for this milestone 10th anniversary event was a showcase for the coordinated sense of pride and discipline the Air Cadets instills in its young members.
A busy program
From late morning into the early afternoon, parents and friends seated on the sidelines had the opportunity to see their sons and daughters in the squadron undergo an inspection and review by Lakhoyan Olivier. There were also demonstrations of music skills, drill and effective speaking.
These were followed by the cadets taking an oath of loyalty, the presentation of awards, ranks and medals, speeches by dignitaries, and finally an opportunity at the end to meet, greet and enjoy a great buffet lunch volunteers had prepared for the guests.
A source of pride, says MNA
“It is with great honour that I am present here today and I would like to thank you for your invitation as guest of honour for this 10th annual ceremonial review of the 100 Laval Squadron,” said Lakhoyan Olivier in her address to the cadets, volunteers, parents and other guests.

“I would like to compliment you all present today for suporting our inspiring youth,” she continued. “I would like to congratulate all the cadets for their hard work, dedication and commitment also provided by the officers and members of 100 Laval Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC).
“We are all very proud of you,” Lakhoyan Olivier said. “A big thank you for your involvement in the community. Congratulations everyone. Keep up the great work and count on my support.”
‘A significant milestone’
Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board Ward 7 commissioner James Di Sano, representing the SWLSB council of commissioners, said the occasion “marks a significant milestone in the journey of this remarkable squadron, which has achieved numerous accomplishments over the past decade.

“As we gather here on this beautiful Saturday morning at Laval Junior Academy, we come together to acknowledge the hard work, dedication and commitment of the officers and SSC members who have supported and guided the cadets in their journey,” he added. “Their tireless efforts have enabled the cadets to learn new skills, develop leadership abilities and grow into confident and responsible young adults.”
Shaping future leaders
Representing Mayor Stéphane Boyer, Laval city councillor for the district of Renaud Seta Topouzian expressed her gratitude to the squadron for “ten years of leadership in Chomedey, Laval, ten years of being present for the community” and “ten years of shaping and educating the leaders of tomorrow. “Cadets of 100 Laval Squadron, today you showcase your progress and demonstrate how far you have come in your training,” she said. “We are gathered here to rightfully acknowledge your commitment, dedication and hard work. I congratulate you on your accomplishments. I encourage you to maintain your commitments to your squadron and your community.”