Transports Québec warns drivers before solar eclipse on Monday

A total solar eclipse in 1999 in France. (Photo: Luc Viatour,

In anticipation of the solar eclipse that will be seen over part of the Montreal region – including a partial view in Laval – on Monday, the Quebec Ministry of Transport is warning motorists to be extra cautious as an unknown number of drivers may decide to stop on the roadside to view the spectacle.

Beginning at 2:14 pm on Monday, the moon will begin blocking the sun, obliterating it for two minutes by 3:26 pm, with the moon ending its transit completely by 4:36 pm.

As the path of totality will be cutting through Montreal Island, only a partial eclipse will be visible from Île Jésus (the geographic name for the City of Laval’s territory).

For its part, the Ministry of Transport reminds motorists who may be on the road during this period that it is illegal to stop on the shoulders of autoroutes (except for emergencies).

Their overall advice is that drivers should not allow themselves to become distracted by the eclipse, and to plan ahead before setting off on the road.

The ministry anticipates there could be significant outdoor gatherings of eclipse watchers, and additional road traffic as a result.

And while the use of dedicated viewing eyeglasses should be considered mandatory by those viewing the eclipse, the transport ministry notes that they should not be worn while driving as they significantly reduce visibility and compromise road safety.