Canada has been acting like a poor country for the last ten years. It’s not an accident that we have been led by a government that has wanted Canadians to think small.
Members of cabinet and would-be leaders are disciples, in fact, some are board members of the World Economic Forum. The WEF used to be an impartial international think tank but has veered extremely left. Today, some call it “the mafia elite of the super-rich.” Its credo is a world without borders. Picture the former Soviet Union. The purpose is not the creation of wealth but its redistribution. Canadian Armed Forces Lt-Col David Redman sounds the alarm when he says “Canada finds itself in a far worse situation across all areas of national security than we did in 2015, with the purpose of destroying and dissolving our Canadian identity.” The retired Redman says it’s not by accident that government has allowed China to infiltrate and influence our three governing levels.
There is no one to thank more for this catastrophic erosion in our pride and identity than this most divisive federal government. It was the newly elected prime minister who declared that Canada is not a sovereign country. It was a stunning statement to the New York Times in 2015, but in line with his beliefs and those of the World Economic Forum. He said, “there is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada. We are a post national state.” No premier, no other Canadian leader stood and spoke against this treasonous verbiage. Perhaps we were too enamoured and blinded by the young man with different hair styles every six months, flashing his family brand while fresh off a winning knockout punch in the boxing ring. Our judgment became clouded enough to not realize the 2015 election results were going to lead us to a social, political, and economical quagmire. We are now only individuals, living in different geographical regions, from Newfoundland to British Columbia. The east was told to hate Alberta, despite it being Canada’s biggest revenue generator. It is the ‘have province” that finances Québec’s social programs and sustains our medical system in Canada. It is the province that produces the largest percentage of Canada’s exports. Shouldn’t we be thankful and grateful that Alberta is part of our Confederation?
Despite our love and dedication, Canada means little or nothing to many of us anymore. We sing our National Anthem before hockey games with no emotion nor conviction. Yes, at least men remove their caps for the national anthem, but only because long time and revered Habs announcer Michel Lacroix says so. The only other time is when Ginette Reno leads us into belting out O Canada at The Bell. Otherwise, we may as well be lip-syncing. We allow our Canadian maple leaf flag, that we once saluted and honoured, to be burned and ripped apart on our streets by terrorists, while police stand by and never make an arrest. We glorify terrorists who destroy our flag! Canada’s kindness is no excuse to break our laws. We offer a beacon of hope to the world, but we have permitted and tolerated the importation of international conflicts to our streets.
Never have I come close to even dreaming of this happening in my country. For the last ten years Canadians have been told that we should be ashamed because of how bad and evil history has shown us to be. No one in that government at any time, has given Canadians any reason to feel proud of who we are. Yet we have so much to be thankful and proud of in wearing our maple leaf.
The federal Liberal government has allowed repeat criminals, who laugh at our justice system and smirk in triumph at police as they are released the day after being arrested. Not once, but it happens time after time after time. Canada’s crime rate is 14% higher than the United States (Fraser Institute).
Chronic repeat offenders have to be left in prison. As citizens of this country, we need to be protected from repeat offenders, knife wielding sidewalk terrorists, gun totting car jackers, home invaders, and gang warfare where innocent bystanders are shot or injured. This is what Canada has become.
We have allowed border free entry not only to illegal migrants but to banned guns and deadly drugs. More fatal drugs, especially fentanyl, are allowed into this country as never before. Over 49 thousand Canadians have died of opioid related deaths in the last ten years, according to Canada.ca. Let that sink in. While refusing to accept diversity of opinion, this government trumpets diversity as the strength of Canada. In fact, allowing diversity to flood this country has meant the importation of every worldly ethnic conflict, and the disappearance of our values.
So, who will lead us back to the country we once loved and cherished? Who will secure our borders not because an American president tells us to but because we are proud Canadians who want to protect our traditions, principles, and sovereignty? Who will insist on a code of conduct before becoming a resident of this country, making it illegal to disrespect and not abide by our values and customs? The possibility of deportation should be an inevitable consequence of unlawful behavior. Destroying or stomping on the Canadian flag should be a punishable offence. Who will stop Chinese, Russian, and Indian interference in our democratic system in municipal provincial and federal governments? Who will stand at the laboratory door and filter those who participate in our research and development?
Before we vote, Canadians must tolerate another demonstration of political arrogance, a leadership convention. Instead, an election should have been called on January 7th.
But for now, put aside the political bravado of a tariff war and fix our border. Tariffs should get us thinking differently.
We are so anxious and ready to elect true leadership when it is needed more than ever.