Home Celebrations Saint-Bruno beats the winter blues at ‘Lausanne en Hiver’

Saint-Bruno beats the winter blues at ‘Lausanne en Hiver’

Snowshoes, camping and hot chocolate rule at Lausanne Park

Several hundred residents of the City of Laval’s Saint-Bruno district enjoyed some respite from the cold weather at Lausanne Park last Sunday when local city councillor David De Cotis staged his annual Lausanne en Hiver winter celebration event.

According to De Cotis, it was the first time that he and other organizers had been able to hold the popular gathering since the Covid pandemic, when most public events were halted.

From the left Seen here during the Lausanne en Hiver at Lausanne Park last Sunday are local city councillor David De Cotis, Carole Sabourin (CA member of the Loisirs St-Bruno), Isabelle Piché (city councillor for the District of Saint-Francois), and James Lee Bissi, community organizer for the event.

Several local events

Lausanne en Hiver is one of several outdoor celebrations the Saint-Bruno councillor for Action Laval holds at Lausanne Park throughout the year, the others being the Fête de quartier during the summer and the Halloween party in late October.

Seen here during the Lausanne en Hiver at Lausanne Park last Sunday are members of the Chevaliers De Colomb conseil St-Elzéar Metry El-Koury, Pierre Archambault and Jean-Yves Darisse.

Among the people, organizations and groups who turned out last Sunday were the Chevaliers de Colomb St-Elzéar council, as well as Vimont Member of the Quebec National Assembly Valérie Schmaltz. For the kids, there was a petting zoo featuring baby goats, sheep and chickens.

Lots of winter fun

The Chevaliers served up a true Québécois wintertime treat: maple taffy on snow.

As well, there was a custom-built igloo for all those wishing to learn more about it, skating, snowshoeing with the assistance of volunteers from Sports Laval, trail rides and a warm campfire to keep warm in the frigid outdoors during the mid-winter in Laval.

If anybody needed a little more inducement to warmth, there was also hot coffee and hot chocolate, and some fitness instructors kept the crowd warmed up and enthusiastic with an energetic Zumba workout.