Revelakis wants city to set up committee for police/multicultural relations

Following the Demers administration’s recent announcement of new measures to deal with racial discrimination, Chomedey city councillor Aglaia Revelakis says Laval should start a new non-partisan committee to deal with issues involving the Laval Police Department and multicultural communities.

“The City of Laval is extending its hand towards nearly one-third of its population and this is a remarkable gesture,” she said in a statement. “We must nonetheless involve representatives of these very people in the actions to be taken.”

Chomedey councillor Aglaia Revelakis wants the city to set up a committee to examine issues concerning relations between the police and Laval’s multicultural communities.

Saint-Vincent-de-Paul city councillor Paolo Galati, who is supporting Revelakis’s motion, agrees that a committee made up of elected representatives would be able to delve seriously into examining the matter at hand.

“The participants in this consultation should be heard directly by their elected representatives,” Galati said. “The separation between the executive-committee and the police is a basic democratic principle, and the suggestion of my colleague for a non-partisan committee of council is a means that will ensure the complete transparency of the effort.”