Transports Québec says preparatory work for asphalting is currently underway on Autoroute 13 between the Louis Bisson Bridge in Chomedey and the Vachon Bridge in Sainte-Rose, continuing until the onset of winter.
According to the provincial highways ministry, the work will be causing access issues in some areas on at some on-ramps, including the following:

- Two to three lanes of the A-13 northbound between the Louis Bisson and Vachon bridges will be partly or completely closed at night. As well, one or two lanes could be closed during some weekends.
- The A-13 northbound between Exit 12 (Samson, Notre-Dame, St-Martin) and Sainte-Rose Blvd. will be closed completely nights. As well, the Exit 12 ramp will be closed nights.
- The A-13 from Dagenais Blvd. headed southward will be closed completely at night.
The ministry says detours resulting from these closings will be clearly indicated. Lower speed limits will also be posted. The work will be resuming in the spring.