In order to improve things for Laval’s residents during snow removal operations, the city is taking measures to implement a new dynamic signage system to get information out as quickly as possible when snow ops are underway.
Last winter, the city launched six pilot projects in selected neighbourhoods, the results of which are said to have been promising. As a result, city officials have now chosen a system and is beginning a call for bids this summer.

Ultimately, the one chosen will relay messages in real time to residents about the arrival of snow removal crews and how this will affect street parking. It is the city’s hope to see the system eventually implemented everywhere on Laval’s territory.
For the time being, they are starting in neighbourhoods which are the most densely populated. These sectors include Pont-Viau, Renaud, Laval-des-Rapides and Chomedey. It is expected that the new system will greatly reduce the time that is now necessary to inform residents when snow removal ops are happening.
“In Laval, parking is an everyday irritant for our fellow citizens,” says Mayor Stéphane Boyer. “That is why our administration is undertaking the implementation of a technology to make life easier for the population.
“The new solution will be be built around luminous panels that will indicate to Laval residents when they can park and when parking will be forbidden. They will therefore be able to park all the time, except during operations.”
“Dynamic signage is an interesting avenue to follow, for the population as much as for our public works teams who will be able to react in real time and communicate efficiently with the community,” says Laval city councillor for Sainte Dorothée Ray Khalil, who is responsible for public works on the executive committee.
“From the point of view of the citizen, the gains are equally important, since the on-street parking spaces will more quickly be filled after the snow removal trucks have passed,” he said.
Laval firefighters to hold blood donor clinic June 20
The City of Laval’s firefighters will be holding their 2nd annual blood donor clinic on June 20, in conjunction with Héma-Québec and the firefighters’ union (Association des pompiers de Laval).
Residents of Laval are invited in great numbers to give blood at five clinic locations at firehalls. At the same time, donors will be able to visit the firehalls and get acquainted with some of the firefighters.
From 8 am to 7 pm:
- Firehall 2 (Chomedey): 3000 boulevard du Souvenir
From 10 am to 7 pm:
- Firehall 3 (Saint-Vincent-de-Paul): 4111 boulevard de la Concorde
- Firehall 5 (Saint-François): 7900 avenue Marcel-Villeneuve
- Firehall 6 (Laval-Ouest): 5580 boulevard Dagenais Ouest
- Firehall 8 (Sainte-Rose): 555 boulevard Curé-Labelle
It is suggested all blood donors make an appointment online on the Héma-Québec website, or by telephone at 1 800 343-7264, while also checking some of the criteria for being able to donate blood.
Record participation in the Course des pompiers de Laval
The city is reporting that there was record participation in the recent 11th annual Course des pompiers de Laval (the firemen’s race), which brought together 5,800 participants of all ages and from all levels of running skill.
During the marathon segment, Oualid Jouadi finished first in an impressive 2 h 34 mins. 33 secs. in the men’s category.

Marjolaine Letalien finished first in the women’s category with a time of 3 h 15 mins. 58 secs. This year, the finish line was at Collège Montmorency, after having been at the Centropolis for many years before.
Laval Fire Dept. firefighter Alexis Dufour beat a world record for speed in a half-marathon (21.1 kms.) while wearing a full fireman’s outfit wearing 50 lbs., which included a breathing aparatus, in 2 h 54 mins. 3 secs.
Thanks to those efforts, $12,000 was raised for the Fondation des pompiers du Québec pour les grands brûlés (FPQGB), which raises money for victims of serious burns. Other participants in the race raised more than $70,000 for the FPQGB.