Exchange of lands for Cousteau Park
City Council authorized the acquisition of part of a lot (owned by Gestion Gilles Laurence) of approximately 28,468.4 square meters. This parcel of land has been evaluated at $2,992,144.04. In exchange part of a lot with an area of approximately 10,436.1 square meters and a municipal evaluation of $ 1,554,978.90 as well as an offer of $1,437,166.14 cash will go to the vendor. The land acquired by the City will allow for the creation of Cousteau Park. City council also voted to increase the Green Space Land Acquisition Program for 2018 included in the three-year capital program to from $1,800,000 to $3,450,000. This program allows the municipality to purchase lands with which they can develop environmentally friendly projects that will add to the city’s inventory of outdoor environments for the use of Laval’s residents.
Support to the Laval Chamber of Commerce and Industry
As part of the 2015-2018 triennial agreement between the Laval Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIL) and the City of Laval, the municipal administration has pledged financial support to this organization (CCIL) in the amount of $ 250,000 annually. An annual rent subsidy of $ 37,000 is also part of the addenda adopted over three years which also modifies and brings clarity to the terms of the agreement between the two parties. City Council also received a report of the CCIL’s activity for the period from September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017 and as a result authorized the payment of the grants provided for in the agreement for the third year of the agreement.
Floods: no fees for permits and certificates until December 2018
As the result of the exceptional spring floods affecting the Ottawa, Prairie and Mile River rivers on May 19th 2017 and the ensuing damage to property that resulted Laval’s municipal administration took steps to ease the financial and technical obstacles affecting owners. The Executive Committee passed a resolution providing among other things, that no tariff be imposed on the issuance of permits and certificates prior to any renovation, repair, demolition, reconstruction or connection to municipal services necessary for the repair of damaged buildings, provided that the complete applications to this effect have been filed with the appropriate municipal department before December 15th 2017. However, in order to harmonize the City’s rules with the Government of Quebec’s decree, which will be in effect until December 19th 2018, the Executive Committee has agreed to amend the original resolution to extend the date for depositing applications from December 15th 2017 to December 19th 2018.
Authorization to allow U-Turns on Robert-Bourassa Boulevard
On the recommendation of Laval’s Police Service, the Executive Committee accepted to rescind the order to not allow vehicular traffic in the area to execute u-turns. Therefor the public works service was mandated to remove existing road signs on Robert-Bourassa Boulevard prohibiting this activity. This modification will not only facilitate access to businesses in the area but will also reduce the increased transit traffic through the local area parking lots.
Seniors-Friendly Municipality Committee (MADA)
The Executive Committee has forwarded a recommendation for city council ratification appointing Gilbert Dumas and Christiane Yoakim both city councilors as members of the MADA Partners Committee for a three-year term. Laval received its MADA (MUNICIPALITÉ AMIE DES AÎNÉS) accreditation in 2014. This program aims to recognize municipalities that adapt their services and structures to the needs of seniors. These adaptations make it possible to counter the discrimination that seniors may experience in terms of housing, recreation, urban development, transportation and safety, while highlighting the full potential of these people. The MADA Partners Committee has been set up to ensure the preparation of the action plan addressing issues in Laval and the monitoring of its implementation.
Renewal of the agreement for football activities
Since 1998 the City of Laval has had an agreement with the Regroupement du sport in Laval and the Laval Regional Football Association concerning the transfer of certain responsibilities fro the organization and execution of a football program and activities in Laval. This partnership allows for efficient and simplified management of schedules, the hiring and management of required on field and off field officials as well as the annual registrations for the diverse activities. The City of Laval has agreed to renew this long standing agreement. A maximum of $26,229 in financial support will be granted to the organization for the realization of football activities in Laval for the year 2018.
Hiring an expert consultant in library construction
The Executive Committee has authorized the hiring of an expert library construction consultant to assist the City in identifying and refining the functional requirements for the future central library.
Managing the operations of Laval’s Maison des Art
The Corporation of the Salle André Mathieu ([co] motion) will continue to manage the day-to-day operations of the Maison des Arts (MDA) in Laval and the specialized equipment park. The corporation will be reimbursed a maximum amount of $ 901,111.96 (taxes included) for these services. The service offer includes the administrative management of the day-to-day operations related to mobile specialized equipment, the administrative management covering the various aspects of operation, management and animation of MDA programs and the permanent staff dedicated to operations and maintenance and programming of the Maison des Art.