Renata Isopo

Printed or digital, written words never go away. Plato, and others who preceded or succeeded him give proof-positive of the truth of this human endeavor. On a daily basis many are added to the record of efforts to reflect, showcase, attack, defend, or document this focal point of life – the ever-changing human condition.
Among these stellar souls of the written word, is Gary Nolan – incisive, unapologetic and thought-provoking author of several books including “Turning Ideas into Dollars” and “Four Outstanding Canadian Inventors” highlighting those who changed the lives of millions.
“Most of us have ideas that make us wonder if we could turn them into money,” Nolan told TLN in a wide-ranging interview expounding on the challenge of what it takes to convert ideas into reality. “Most of us don’t know what to do, where to begin, how much to spend, what the idea is worth, can it be licensed, and lots more,” he stated.
In an impressive 30-year resume Nolan acknowledges he has evaluated 2000 ideas, participated in 100 product launches, and landed some of his own products on Walmart shelves. But make no mistake, there was blood, sweat, and tears in his life-long pursuit of turning sparks of brilliance into flames of success. “I learned at the school of hard knocks, made costly mistakes that could have been avoided. I promised that at retirement, my first two books would relate to outstanding Canadians, Quebecers who changed the game, and how anyone can do it on a shoestring,” he stated, his tone manifesting both pride and humility in what he has accomplished.
“Turning Ideas into Dollars” is based on his time in the trenches covering about 200 activities. Chapters are followed by a one-page guides for creators or investors, keeping their projects on track. When snags pop up, Nolan can be contacted, at no charge, through information provided in the book.
Never short on words, Nolan articulated an array of insights on his life’s passion for creativity and on his consuming desire to help others turn their seeds into fruit-bearing trees. This is what he generously shared with TLN.
What do you offer inventors?
“I’m all about a one-stop invention service, where you can shop new ideas or inventions providing full transparency by keeping the inventor involved throughout the process. Whether it’s the first time trying to launch a new idea or whether you have pursued another route in the past, I will guide the inventor in the right direction and save him/her thousands of dollars. I evaluate, develop, research, and advise on intellectual property. I sometimes use sub-contractors who have to be very good. I deal with geniuses. I’m the developer. I’m very good at finding creative ways to market products.”

What is an invention assessment?
“I give thorough, confidential, and objective analysis of the invention, making specific recommendations to correct deficiencies, or abort the idea. Business potential is examined and verified with competing products. While the market for good patents continues to expand, it’s still inefficient, putting high premiums on sellers knowing how to market, then patent effectively. I will tell you if you have a chance.”
Should inventors patent before going to marketing?
“No. 50% of patents aren’t accepted, 80% lack market potential; patents are very expensive. It’s complicated with lots of risk. That’s why people come to me for honest opinions. I advise and get involved, to the end, as part of the deal, in return for percentage of sales for services. The client has the last word. I’m the only one in North America who takes products from A to Z. I see the whole process and what the obstacles are. This is the advantage coming to see me.”
What is your objective?
“Prevent people from being cheated. Dreams turn into nightmares when falling into the wrong hands. People invest the wrong way, then kill their ideas. I started this service because of scammers and lack of ethics.”
What are the obstacles for inventors? Can youth do it?
“There’s risk involved for companies. Lots of business people don’t have expertise in products. Companies would rather sell what they already have than invest in something new.
Kids today live in a different world, needing encouragement, guidance, and knowing what they can do. Dreams are opportunities. With passion, energy, and spark they can accomplish something. More opportunities exist today but they have to know what they want. Young people would profit by reading ‘Turning Ideas Into Dreams’ “.
What would you like to tell the readers and/or inventors?
“When you hit a wall, give Gary a call.”
Mr. Nolanwill be at Indigo (Laval), April 6, 11am-4pm, to answer questions, free of charge. His email: