Municipal party says official opposition is supporting administration
Action Laval, the number two opposition party at Laval city hall, says Mayor Marc Demers, together with the official opposition, are refusing to address shortcomings raised in the Laval auditor-general’s report tabled in June 2019.
Contracts dispute

In the June 2019 report, the auditor-general criticized the Demers administration for awarding six major contracts which weren’t properly accounted for in the city’s three-year capital works budget. Action Laval says it offered to assist the administration in establishing correct priorities, but was refused.
“Marc Demers is again avoiding his responsibilities,” says Action Laval councillor for Saint-Bruno David De Cotis. “A centralized management plan should logically be the first stage of an efficient strategy for following the recommendations and to support municipal services.”
Says help was refused
“The auditor-general is raising numerous problems with the management of the city,” added Action Laval councillor for St-Vincent-de-Paul Paolo Galati. “We extended a hand to the mayor by offering our support to solve problems and he categorically refused.”
‘The auditor-general is raising numerous problems with the management of the city,’ says St-Vincent-de-Paul councillor Paolo Galati
The party complains at the same time that the official opposition Parti Laval, led by Councillor Michel Trottier, supported the administration. “Michel Trottier, rather than support our efforts to protect the interests of Laval residents, prefers to make politics,” said Action Laval’s interim leader.