Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Newsfirst columnist Robert Vairo’s ‘That’s What I’m Thinking’

A brilliant idea, but nobody is listening He’s a humanitarian so he’s expected to come up with these kinds of ideas. But this latest one...

Newsfirst columnist Robert Vairo’s ‘That’s What I’m Thinking’

A National Emergency Demands Leadership I watched with envy as some NBC TV affiliate out of Seattle Washington was telecasting a report on how municipal...

Columnist Robert Vairo’s ‘That’s What I’m Thinking’

There is Hope in these bad times Well now. That is some beginning to 2021. Unprecedented curfew in Quebec, never before seen violent attempted insurrection...

Remembering Newsfirst Multimedia columnist Alberto del Burgo

A true man of the world, he chose Montreal after leaving Lebanon Alberto del Burgo met a lot of people during his long and productive...

The Worst is Yet to Come

I’m really having mixed feelings about all this. Let’s put the brakes on euphoria, because only some vaccines are arriving. I am feeling just...

Canada, late at the vaccines game with no reserved seat, says Newsfirst columnist Robert...

In the midst of discussing the weather, an associate burst out “ we Canadians only care about health and the weather. That’s why we...

Robert Vairo’s ‘That’s What I’m Thinking’

We Have to Stop Chasing the Soccer Ball Bonjour Hi! Some discomforting events are happening, in addition to our rudderless elected politicians leading us to...

Chair of the SWLSB should do the honourable thing: Consider another career

As a former employee of the SWLSB, I would like to add to the sentiments expressed by former Parent and Elected Commissioner, Tom Mouhteros, in...

Newsfirst opinion columnist Robert Vairo’s ‘That’s What I’m Thinking’

The “stay home” message has expired I’m wondering why there is such a different approach in each province in trying to maintain this equilibrium that...

Mouhteros responds to tree planting for ex-SWLSB chairman Bletas

Mr. Galati, you’re entitled to your opinion but not to your own facts I’m upset about statements made to The Laval News by Paolo Galati,...