Transit agency says essential services will be maintained on strike days
Management at the Société de transport de Laval says it finds unacceptable the recent decision by its unionized bus drivers to go out on strike on Nov. 2, 15 and 26, while mediation is still underway.
“This action, especially during a pandemic, has as a consequence that it is depriving the clientele of an irreplaceable, efficient and low-cost service,” the STL said in a statement.
Maintain essential services
The STL said it wants to reassure transit users that essential services will be maintained at adequate levels. The public transit agency says it will be taking means to assure that the union honors its legal obligations to provide essential service, as defined in provincial law.
The STL said it is currently working on a draft schedule of bus services, which will be deployed when service interruptions become imminent.

The transit agency also noted that given the current budget restraints brought on by a decline in ridership during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is facing tough economic realities.
Other agreements reached
Among other things, the STL recently reached new collective agreements with its maintenance and office employees. The company said the terms of the agreements were similar to those presented to the drivers’ union, which has so far turned down the offer.
“The rebooting of public transit, in which we are trying to reestablish ridership and the revenues of the STL to levels seen before the pandemic, should be an occasion to work cooperatively with our drivers to improve the client experience and encourage the population to opt for public transit in the struggle against road traffic and climactic changes,” said the STL’s management.