Refunds possible after door and window dealer’s bankruptcy

Atis Portes et Fenêtres did business under several company names

The Quebec Consumer Affairs Office is advising the public that they may be entitled to a refund on claims following the closure of a business which sold doors and windows under several company names and which has now declared bankruptcy.

Atis Portes et Fenêtres (Atis S.E.C.) had a head office located at 2225 des Entreprises Blvd. in Terrebonne. Other company names under which it also did business included Laflamme Portes et Fenêtres, Vimat Portes et Fenêtres, Solarcan (MC), Vitrerie Lévis, Groupe Astral, Groupe Racine, Vitrotec, Fenestration Pro-Tech et Portes and Fenêtres J.M. Ferron.

Declared bankruptcy

As required by Quebec’s consumer protection laws, the company had a permit as an itinerant, or transient, business and had made a sizeable deposit with the consumer protection office as part of the agreement. The office says that following the company’s bankruptcy, the deposit may now be used to indemnify consumers who had claims pending against the company.

Consumers who signed an itinerant sales contract with Atis Portes et Fenêtres and who believe they may have grounds for a claim from the dealer are invited to consult the Quebec Consumer Protection Office’s website, under the link Indemnisation. There they will find documentation needed to make a request for indemnisation.

Special permit needed

According to Quebec’s consumer protection laws, an itinerant or transient business owner is one who tries to conclude or concludes a contract with a consumer, other than at his place of business. As such, business owners of this type must have a special permit from the consumer protection office.

The permit and the deposit the business owner must make are required in order to ensure financial protection to consumers in case the business owner fails to honor the contract, goes bankrupt or closes the business.